The FISA Memo Leads All The Way Back To Barack Obama


Whilst the Democrats are attempting to paint up the recently released FISA Memo as a nothing burger, nothing else could be further from the truth. The intricate details show widespread collusion within the upper echelons of the FBI and the DOJ. Their target was current US President, Donald Trump, and the objective was to frame him, and then bring Trump down.

And if you trace back to the origin of this sinister plot, the trail leads right back to former US President Barack Obama.

Jerome Corsi on Twitter: "OBAMA went from Soros-funded SAUL-ALINSKY community organizer Communist/Socialist FRANK MARSHALL DAVIS - "MESSIAH" to today #QAnon #qanon4chan Hiring LAWYERS to help him avoid gallows on charges of SEDITION & TREASON @realDonaldTrump"

Obama Will Hang For Treason

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