#firstpost placeholder @tyrnannoght the lower wards

The washed up beach placeholder to test requests over the "main" and two tyrzone-accounts, please keep in mind

Desktop Screenshot 2018.12.10 -

Desktop Screenshot 2018.12.10 -

Desktop Screenshot 2018.12.10 -

Desktop Screenshot 2018.12.10 -

the screens and videos in the posts on @tyrnannoght connected accounts are not "the game" , they're merely an attempt at visualisation and illustration.

Although it would be fairly easy to turn these into a playable FPS in GG they would not have interconnectivity to the game itself.

I am considering turning some into and a few html 5 pages to up on @steemgg (dot com) which would be playable for fun (and promotion YAY! salesforce!) , barring #fuckflanders probably trying to get in my way and ruin my every chance of being able to do what i do that will happen sooner or later anyway but the game itself will run on steemit and with a client that's pre-compiled as i have decided open source is for rich hippies.

no kickstarters , no fundition, nobodies money up-front, no salespitch, no media hype, votes only

E.T.A : unknown

@tyrnannoght : the washed up beach

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