I'm already "RICH"

Have you ever felt like you were not being heard ? Like the words you spent your time configuring is nothing but hot air to a person without that listening ear. Well thats what it feels like to be a 22 year old black male who works amongst doctors who believe the the degree they obtained place them in a non - listening state of mind.

Hello, my name is Demontray Ross and i am already rich. You may have read that and figured , "this cocky mofo might try to sell me something" , but thats not what im hear for. Im not financially rich but paper does not determine my value , it is my mind set. First lets break down what the term rich means to me. The term rich to me means you have the experience and understanding to get through a struggle without a complete breakdown. It is in essence the balance between sanity , struggle , hope, and faith. The reason im sharing this with the community is because we place so much value on the fiat currency known as money. Money to me is nothing but an enabler to help me reach the masses. Alot of my friends call me crazy, and at that instant i recall plenty of times where didnt stress because financially i didnt have it but i was already "rich" so that statement is nothing but ignorance. We are all ignorant in some form. It is up to us to fill in those blanks on our pursuit to mental happiness.

At some point in my life things seem like things were not addind up, it was a sequence of horrible events that kept happening time after time. Like any other person with out the funds or means to fix a problem i couldnt do nothing but THINK about it. I would self reflect and blame everyone else in the world for my problems other than the creator himself; me. See i could point the finger at almost anybody for my problem but that would of got me nowhere. Self reflection is where i saw my mistakes being made. Here is when i took first step to becoming "rich".......to be continued

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