Finally got my Steemit account!

Hey guys, I finally got my Steemit account today! WOOOOOOHHHOOOOOOOO!~~

The last one got lost in transition.. 

My first post won't be about introducing myself, as I was very upset. So much time wasted. So here's what happened.

About 2 months back, around early NOV 2017, I registered for a Steemit account. Thinking that I had some free time to spare in my clinic as most of the afternoons were kinda free (not much patients). Was planning to blog about my life as a doctor turn venturepreneur/ investor, touching on non medical related stuff like my business and how I got into business and stuff. I give basic classes on crypto as well. And will update the students and friends via social chat groups and facebook. I have heard of steem for some time, but wasn't really up for blogging. However, my wife said that I'm the type that's very long winded. Should use that to write books or blogs rather than bore people in classes. Hahaha. That was when I thought, why not put everything into words (all my random rants). Later on I might be able to compile them and publish a book instead. Rather than writing a book directly, which I'm sure it will take forever for me. FACEPALM.

So after registering, you are supposed to wait for few days to a week before your account is approved. Correct? However, I waited and waited, nothing came. So I emailed steemit support. But no one got back to me - SAD.. Initially I thought I had done some mistake. Like maybe I registered an account with a username and password as usual but forgotten my password. I tried logging on with the username I initially registered with but to can't seem to get the password correct~ I didn't know that they will give you a password once they approve your account. So I was trying to 'hack' the password for some time until I gave up. LOL. 

Finally, I tried to register another account. Only to find out that my current phone number is locked to that registration. So I sent another email to steem team and waited patiently but again no one answered me. How SAD. 

Anyway, I got my wife to borrow me her number instead to log on to this new account. Everything went smoothly this time. Waited about 5 days to get it. Really really happy to get it!

I spent few hours setting it up today, reading the welcome and quick start guide. I'm sure not many people here reads the guides right? Hahahah.. and most of the time was finding a nice pic to be my profile and cover. I think the cover pic is the hardest to do. But luckily google provided answers. I got my cover done just the way I wanted it. AWESOME.

So you guys will be seeing me a lot from now onwards. 

I hereby WELCOME myself to STEEMIT! 


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