Introducing Myself

I'm not unique, I'm just Katrinka.

I am in a Ween cover band that just happened to release a Ween inspired album 11/11/17. You can check out AGOA (a game of acronyms) on Bandcamp, but no pressure. Just like Chocolate & Cheese, it's not for everyone.

Ummm... About me... Hmmm...
I'm loud. Like... Really, really loud.

(This reminds me of my days as LillyRose007 on open diary... That I accessed with my webtv... Don't you even dare do the age guessing lol)

I'm a vegetarian by cause of nutritional education, not smelly hippy love. My blanket response when someone starts spouting off about how I'm "soooo thin" is to challenge them to an endurance race. The scenario is the answer to any questions these individuals may have had about my dietary choices.

I'm from KC and I'll be buried in an 816 zip code. It's my home, and everyone from Salvy to No-Home Chris at the South side of Broadway Bride are my people. Side note A: the city of KC needs to Employ Chris to direct traffic so soccer moms, suburb market shoppers & tourists stop clogging up the damn weekend flow! I've seen him clear the intersection to avoid senseless wreckage on more than one occasion. Side note B: anybody seen No-Home Chris lately? Did yellow jackets relocate him or what?

Anyhow- I'm super stoked to be here. I'm gonna let loose on this platform- I've been bottling up some hot noise!


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