Don’t Mind That, It’s Just a Man-Sized Burn Barrel.

After celebrating a fellow coworkers last day before he officially retires, belly full of blackberry pie and ice cream. I’m sitting uncomfortably in my bucket truck taking care of some paperwork. I noticed a slight smell of something burning earlier and didn’t think much of it because there were heating and air conditioning guys in the shop working. I just figured they were welding or whatever.

With my paperwork spread all over the cab like legos in my sons room, one of the workers walks past.
Then comes back and says’
“Do you know your dumpster is on fire?”
Me, “Uhhh No??”

I look out the roll up door and...

Wow, it is on fire

Oh, so that is what I was smelling.
When I had first smelt the smoke I looked out there and didn’t see anything.

I Definatly See Something Now

All the employees were here at the shop, so news spread fast. We grabbed the forklift and pulled it away from the building, then I got on the phone to the fire department. Our little garden hose wasn’t goin to quench this raging fire.

As we were waiting for the fire department to show up, something inside the dumpster blew up!! It sounded like a fricking bomb goin off.
Must have been some empty paint cans or something.
Who threw those in there?!?!

The Fire Department shows up and get to work putting little fire out. We are all standing there in amazement and wondering how in the world this fire got started?!?!

Wait Just a Minute!!


Doesn’t he know not to stand on the top of a ladder?!?!
These guys jumping out and rolling there hose out gave me a mental picture of the circus clowns on the Disney movie Dumbo for some reason.
Hey I don’t know
I’m just weird like that I guess.

Still at this point we can only speculate as to what the cause of the fire was.

We pulled together our best CSI ideas and came up with this,

So one of the workers is out on his Cig break. Enjoying the nice spring breeze and warm sun.
Upon being yelled at by his boss to get his butt back to work,
He tosses his cigarette butt into the dumpster fearing for his job.
The light breeze today swirled inside the dumpster, fanning the cherry at the end of the cigarette just enough to ignight the pile of carboard it was on.
Then the cardboard caught the pole chunks on fire along with whatever else was in there.
There you have it folks
Investigation complete
Now to track down this arsonist
And make him pay for his crimes

Poor little dumpster, was all new with shiny brown paint
Now look at it!!

It’s not any better than the stuff that goes in it now.

Until next time
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Dumpster Fires

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