What is ENO?

If you are an "acquisition guru" like me, this one will really knock your nerdy socks off.

A few months ago, I was reconciling my accounts and I noticed some discrepancies. I was really frustrated and decided to research if there was a way to create virtual numbers. I stumbled upon an article that mentioned ENO.

I was excited about there being possibly something available giving me that extra layer of security. These days with all the data breaches, one can't ever be too safe. I'm not a fan off credit cards, never had been. Though I have to say, when I was getting my ENO set-up it was like Christmas for me.

Since as of recent, I had many of my accounts compromised and the only thing I had left was "cryptocurrency". I admit I feel way safer in the "crypto space". The blockchain technology, cryptography, what else can be more secure in the "Fintech world"? It's indisputably, in my opinion, the safest method to hold your revenue in... so long as you practice the "CCC", custody of coin is critical i.e. custody of the asset.

In spite of the advancements, the adaptation for cryptocurrency and the blockchain technology is stagnant. In many ways, I see us at a crossroad where people see the complexity of cryptocurrency and get turned off and others are embracing it full force. In my experience, merchants are a tough market to adapt to change. Change is difficult for some, they need time to transition.

The reality is you need to diversify yourself with tools to succeed. Some merchants accept fiat, checks, credit card, and or cryptocurrency, etc.; the combinations are truthfully unknown until you can scope out the merchant. Some merchants are great at trying to accommodate and others not so much.

For these reasons, ENO is a powerful addition to my "Fintech tools". ENO is like a "virtual combat tool" for me. The best way to explain it is perhaps when you look at the source of an infection and cutting it off at the root.

ENO is "one" spelt backwards. I imagine it is due to the parent of this pristine prestigious AI Fintech technology. Capital One is the first Fintech company with this type of AI bot, creating virtual numbers.

I can shop online without using my real credit card number. Not only that but I was able to create a credit card online and use it with a different merchant who accepts credit card via phone. Honestly, it really made me feel so much more at ease. Essentially paying without your plastic! The charge went on my account right away, successfully.

I can also lock or delete virtual numbers like the "acquisition ninja guru" that I am. Ha-ya!

Anyhow, how do you get ENO?
You need to have a credit card with Capital One, be eligible, have a computer, and install a browser extension on Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox.

I personally use Google Chrome; ENO usually pops up when I'm ready to check out. Though it doesn't always pop-up, I have a small widget on the top right side of the window and log in when I need it. When you're on a merchant website and ready to load your credit card information, ENO will react to it and ask you if you want to create a virtual number. Otherwise, you can create a virtual number manually and use it where you need it.

ENO is an intelligent assistant in consumer credit card products.
Here is the link if you want to get started:

Screenshot (2).png

It's pretty simple to use, though a bit tedious to get totally set up if you create a virtual number for e-v-e-r-y merchant like me.

Truth be told, I recall seeing an article mentioning Capital One embarking "the blockchain technology wagon". ;)

I also find cryptocurrency to cash out fastest with my Capital One Bank account, not to mention how great the tool Credit Wise has helped me get my credit up.

Hope this helped! Please comment, upvote, and subscribe!

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