Are you a conservative or a “Truly value-liberal feminist-globalist”? TEST

You always wish that SJW are only a vocal minority that you can make fun of. But alas you get always reminded it’s not so. Finland’s biggest newspaper Helsingin Sanomat has made a test “Are you liberal or conservative?” and oh boy oh boy the questions! You can answer them in scale from 1-10. 10 is as they say conservative and one is… eh… you will see.

“Truly value-liberal feminist-globalist”.png

Question 1:
“Finland needs give asylum for more people.” /
“Finland must not let in even a single refugee anymore.”
Firstly, they are not even on the same scale. The other is giving them refugee status and the other is letting them in to the country. What a surprise.

Question 2:
“Rapes in Finland are the fault of masculine culture and arbitrariness of the powerful.” /
“Rise in rape is mostly explained by letting in masses of African and Middle Eastern young men.”
Here we see already the SJW shine through with their delusions of toxic masculinity and the mindless powerful white man.

Question 3:
“The single ideal of the family, the nuclear family where there is a mom and a dad with their biological children is an outdated.” /
“The nuclear family is a fundamental building block of a healthy society.”

Yes, we all know that the SJW and ANTIFA are communist but here we see again that they have infiltrated all of the big media around the western world. Take note that all these questions start with the SJW question. “The last one is always the evil don’t pick it.”

Question 4:
“Finland is racist bigoted fucking shithole Nazi country with white heteronormative patriarchy ruling over everything” /
“Generally speaking we are pampering the minority’s too much and forget about the normal hard-working citizens’ rights.”
Okay the first part was not exactly like that, but it may have as well being. The real one is “Generally speaking in Finland we grind down the rights of the minority’s and let the heteronormative majority rule.”
Lock and loaded SJW rhetoric with screaming of the of the heteronormative and minority. Translation= “Sex is a social construct. I’m oppressed with your skin color. Reeeee!

Question 5:
“Finland needs to change to a more liberal country. It needs to accept different lifestyles and value.” /
“Finland needs to hold dear its old and good values that strengthen the bond of our people.”

Like here its not even debatable any more. The liberals are anti-white and anti-western. They don’t even care to hide it any more that people don’t integrate and are not even supposed to like we were lied to many times. And like Sargon Computing forever and many others have said before. The immigrants didn’t come here to integrate they came here to change our cultures to theirs. Move aside fins here come the multicultural multisex multifamily nations to make your country a new. You don’t have a place here.

In reality the test was a study with 16 questions, but as usual mainstream media can’t handle the sources, so they just give you a made up smaller test with 5 questions and don’t give a link for the original study. So the score for your answer is really idiotic. If you are a hardcore JSW and answer everything with “1” you get 41/500 points and if you answer everything with “10” you get 500/500. If they make a made-up test, then why don’t they give normal scores for it? Because the scores need to be made up too?

HS oletko konservatiivi vai liberalisti.JPG

So, this picture is the outcome of the study (not the made-up newspaper test). I don’t know why they changed it around that now the SJW have the highest number in the scale. SJW is 6 and conservatives are 1. Fins are 12% are “True hardline conservative nationalist” and 15% are directly translated “Truly value-liberal feminist-globalist” (Wikipedia says its Cultural liberalism in English). Apparently, feminist are also globalist now. And that’s the most accurate description of a SJW ever thank you Helsingin Sanomat.

Other thing we see to be true from internet memes is that left means for these means mainstream. Only 1 and 2 are conservative 3 is already “Open to immigration but likes traditional values”
1 “True hardline conservative nationalist”
2 “A bit conservative centrist”
3 “Open to immigration but likes traditional values”
4 “A bit value-liberal centrist”
5 “Quite a lot Cultural liberal feminist who likes immigration”
6 ““Truly value-liberal feminist-globalist”


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