Find your own way in life, chapter one.

Hey, Fellow Steemians, just wanted to say hallo to everyone in here, heard so many good things about this site, from my god friend @cryptodan.

So why am I on here??? Well, I wanted a platform to invite people into my life, and share all the great and exciting things that is happening right now in my life and has happened in the past.

First, off a little about myself. I am 38 years old and live in Denmark with my girlfriend. And the crazyiest thing is i am about to be a farther i september, hurray :-) We already know the sex of the baby, and we are getting a little princess. It is hard to imagin how she will look, and what kind of an amazing personality she will have.

Back to what i do an how i got to where i am today.
When i went to primary school, my dad was lay off work, so i changed school, from a private school to a community school. Nothing bad about it, made many friends, whom i still keep in contact with, and i learned a lot. However, there was this one teacher, who was in charge of our class. He was teaching danish and math, and I was never any good at math, because i was not logical for me. I always did my homework, but was never that great at math. At this time in life, I was a quiet boy, who did not like to be the center of attention, so i did not raise my hand in his classes. Once a year the parents of the children in the class came in for a meeting, to hear how their child was doing. I loved these meetings, because I was always told that I was a good boy, and doing well in most classes, but this time was going to be different.
When my parents and I sat down in front of the teacher, i clearly remember the teacher looking at me with a little smirk on his face. He then started to talk to my parents about, how I was liked by my classmates, and was a good friend. Then the mood changed.... he looked at my parents and said " well, the way I see children is like small pots. Pots that can be filled with wisdom, some are big pots and some are small pots, and let's be honest, your son is a small pot, who will never amount to much other than being on welfare!” I was 9 years at this point, and did not understand what was said, but understood on the reaction of my parents, that this was not good. My mom and dad was angry and we left the meeting after they told him off.
My mom pulled me aside before I went to bed that night, and said to me "People do not always understand that there a many forms of being smart. Just because you are have trouble understanding some stuff in school, does not mean you not clever.” I went to bed that night thinking about why he would say these things and why he disliked me so much, I had never been mean or made trouble in his classes. I thought to myself before I fell asleep, I will change this and I want people to look up at me, a like me for the person I am, and what I have accomplished in my life.
I 4 years later I finished going to community school and went off to an independent boarding school to finish my last year in primary school. I decided this was the place I would transform myself, form the shy quiet boy, to a person of confidents….

I will continue the story, but it is late and I have an exam tomorrow.
Take care.

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