... 'twas the day after ...

... psssssssst ... soft legs ... dream with me ... come on ... fly ... together ... walk ... together ... dance together ... my eyes ... look into my eyes ... that look you give me when you look at me like that ... it is you ... that look says so much about you that feeling when you talk like that to me I get it just says so very much about you like I know you ... I know you ... you little Qutie pie ...


... the day after ...

... the government at all levels all courts all police departments all agencies all banks all businesses are no more ...

... that day the Bank for International Settlements was closed forever ... that day G_D and GOOD won over evil NO MONEY FOR ANYONE WAS REALITY

... 'twas a day that changed every 'ting' about every 'body'

... a day when every 'soul' had to now do 'ting's to help another 'soul'

... 'twas a day when waking up and going to the grocery was a given take what you need for the day plenty there for free no tomorrow just be GOOD and help everyone by being your best just BE BEST ... YOU ... BE BEST ... and beCAUSE every child of G_D was inherently born a really GOOD K.I.S.S.er just BE BEST ...
... 'twas a day when law abiding we were for no 'ting' needed to 'take'
... 'twas a day when working together and being nice and free felt GOOD

... a moment in time that changed life for all on earth for GOOD BIGLY

... a day it was ... 'twas a day ... a day it was that day ... freedom

... 'twas a day when no money existed and volunteers were, more volunteers are, and even more became to help
... 'twas a day when we all on earth chose love over hate all prospered
... 'twas a day 'twas a day when no money was at all we just did beCAUSE

... the day after all changed into the new 'soul' we are now felt GOOD

... psssssssst ... soft legs ... dream with me ... come on ... fly ... together ... walk ... together ... dance together ... my eyes ... look into my eyes ... that look you give me when you look at me like that ... it is you ... that look says so much about you that feeling when you talk like that to me I get it just says so very much about you like I know you ... I know you ... you little Qutie pie ... wow ... big 'ting'KING big 'ting'ker ... nope ... just me ... John E Boy Baby 'tarzan' ... one 'bird-lover' in the 'jungle' ... dreaming on a Sunday afternoon ... praying ... 'ting'KING ... praying again ... 'ting'KING some more ... and then it dawns on me angel ... you ... you are what I work for ... you angel ... you lil' Q.I.D. ... you lil' K.I.D. ... I love your PUREHEART ... I felt like it was you that were close to G_D ... I always kept my EYES WIDE OPEN beCAUSE I knew you were here with me ... I looked for that look ... I listened for that sound you make when you are near to me ... I smelled for that smell you smell like when you are near to me ... I wanted you to just know that no 'body' was necessary when you are 'ting'KING PUREHEART about soft legs' 'soul' ya' know ... no 'body' needed ... I can do every 'ting' soft legs need from me from far away and she do every 'ting' I need from her just be being her here with me so I can listen for her sound, look for her look, smell for her scent, feel that 'ting'LING 'feel''ting' 'feel'ING I get when I feel someone so loving, so PUREHEART, so kind, so Qool, so sensitive, so understanding, so beautiful, so clean, so smooth, so articulate ... so GOOD ... so PUREHEART ...


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... so able to make me see 'ting' clearly and hear every 'ting' at its most resonant frequency storing energy ... you are so wonderful ... KEEP YOUR PUREHEART beCAUSE you never really 'understand completely' the effect you might be resonating with someone who can make 'ting's happen feel 'dat ... me too ... 'ting'LING ... 'ting'LY ... BIGLY 'ting'LY ... now where was I ... oh yeah ... you were looking into my eyes and making those soft sounds you make as I sense you scent approaching me ... oh my gosh ... oh my gosh ... 'ting'LING ... a lot of 'ting's they will say about ole' John E Boy Baby ... but Qlass ain't one of 'dem ... no Qair anyway ... PUREHEART ... KEEP YOUR PUREHEART ... me just love soft legs ... PUREHEART ... you see imagine every 'body' 'naked' but no 'body' 'qair' 'bout that beCAUSE PUREHEART 'dat is how we got here ... once upon a time we were 'naked' and no 'body' noticed beCAUSE PUREHEART 'soul' love only no 'ting'k no 'ting' else just loving thoughts so PUREHEART never 'ting'KING no 'ting' but LOVE all the time so PUREHEART ... PUREHEART IN ... PUREHEART OUT ... me see ... you see ... I really hope you follow my 'ting'KING here on this one ... sweetheart ... angel ... beCAUSE ... it is time ... imagine loving one another ... imagine no boundaries beCAUSE ... G_D IS WITH US ... GOOD IS COMING ... HEAVEN IS ... G_D IS ... ANGELS ARE ... LOVE IS GOOD ... PUREHEART ... TRUTH is WAY to LIFE with G_D ... beCAUSE ... PUREHEART ...

... those looks ... those sounds ... those smells ... oh la la ...
... come over here and sit close to me ... talk to me ... please ...
... oh now that's cool oh yeah I like that ... do it again ... smile ...

... the day after the day after ...

... the volunteers are working on systems to allow everyone to sign up and choose when they would like to come in and 'help' out at the local grocery store and give the 'volunteers' a break ... so it began ...

... 'twas a day of 'volunteering' a day without money a day when nation and war was no more ... the mighty weaponry systems were system kept up to date it's just that no one got paid ... they did it well ... for the fun of it all ... they found their technlogies were wrongly applied for weaponry systems but could be reused for other more useful systems and so it was ...many of the same jobs were still done ... everyone got food from the groceries in their neighborhoods from locals growing food ... food was the main concern given we all needed food and all ... energy became free as did was water and internet and telephone services ... the public was free at last to endeavor in their own creative directions and emerged from the freedom were great numbers of immediate inventions ... resources were available for all ... the great use of automation and machinery required relatively few volunteers to be at work at given time ... everyone had land ownership immediately ... the hashing algorithm techniques were greatly amplified and used to document who was working on what but the entire goal of every 'ting' was to ensure that all were happy again and no one needed for any 'ting' and that when we did 'work' then we 'worked hard' for we knew everyone was counting on us ... so many of us ... did not mind to work and volunteer for the rest of our lives to make up for any who could not do for their own self ... we wanted no 'ting' ... we did no want any 'ting' but for everyone to be happy ... better for all my neighbors to eat before I eat ... then if some 'ting' is left over ... I will eat some too ... ly ty

... 'twas a day when former police and judges saw me and truth tellers like me and smiled and shook our hands and said thank you to us for what we did not ask for we were just so happy that we too were happy with us and we could once again cal them peaceful living souls instead of cagers of living souls ... 'twas a GOOD day that day ... the day after the day after ...

... 'twas a GOOD day ... the religious were still religious ... the jews of Yahweh Yahova G_D were still jews ... the hindi still hindi ... of Allah still of Allah ... with Christ consciousness still with Christ consciousness ... all was so very GOOD and wonderfully lovingly different and sisterly and gentle and kind and compassionate and supportive and free and nurturing and plentiful and unendingly amazing that I shouted once to all around who heard me loud and clear as tears streamed down my face and I looked around and sang "AMAZING GRACE" choking back the tears I kept singing ... 'twas blind but now I see ... I stopped then ... but everyone heard me ... and they all knew ... they all cried too ... many of them came to me and hugged and cried with me ... we were grateful ... we were humble ... we truly were PUREHEART ... we were GOOD ... we loved each other and each other's loved ones ... for so long we had waited for the financial slavery to end ... and now that it was gone and no one competed with one another but rather supported and loved one another ... the world was so GOOD ... we were just so happy that it made us cry tears of joy ... after we hugged ... some of us went and got naked and went swimming down at the pond we just cleaned out ... no 'ting' happened ... no 'yaya' but we all had some GOOD fun swimming and I love them and they love me and tomorrow we might go swim again too ... who knows ... but no one Qairs now ... beCAUSE PUREHEART every 'ting' is free for every 'soul' and we all love and support and work for each other all day for free just beCAUSE and every 'body' is PUREHEART or they become a 'soul' and go "back home" for G_D to fix beCAUSE but that never happens now beCAUSE we all know every 'body' knows they all know it is just too GOOD here now to ever risk not getting to say a long time now so no crimes or any kind of nonsense are acceptable ... tomorrow is always going to be better than today for everyone is here to help you make a better way now ... feel me ... when you know tomorrow you can go on the PONTOON again and travel worldwide is free for every 'soul' ... well ... every 'ting' changes ... I'm GOOD beCAUSE you all chose to be GOOD and when together we all are GOOD then 'ting's just become GOOD for all ... it is the way it is ... out with the old ... in with the new ... later ... and so it was ... refreshing. Amen. So be it. Let it be. And it already happened ... wa sa ... wa sa ... wa sa ... already happened ... the day after the day after ... PUREHEART ... BIGLY ... G_D IS WITH US ... GOOD IS HERE ... so GOOD

... 'twas the day after the day after ... FREEDOM ... PUREHEART

we remember still back then before when all were still enslaved ... how it had been so miserable so much suffering and how we all had waited for GOOD to be here but it was more than a year later after the Trumpster was elected to do such a 'ting' and FAILED BIGLY to all it seemed to all at least due to the fake media and silent in public Qsters well ... what we didn't know we just didn't know ... we knew silence = evil ... we knew G_D IS WITH US so every 'ting' else just had to work out beCAUSE GOOD WINS and we all knew it so we just held fast for G_D to work and G_D WORKED G_D WORKS WITH EASE it seems to us now looking back ... beCAUSE every 'body' was still controlled by evil filthy sickening blood stained pedophile funding prison building financially enslaving living soul caging evil forcing and controlling money ... but alas ...

... that day finally arrived beCAUSE G_D IS WITH US and maybe a little bit beCAUSE GOOD everywhere woke up thanks to a few GOOD volunteers ya' know Qutie a few world leaders who stepped up to bat without an ego and hit a home run for all instead of just 'their team' ... MAKE THE WORLD GREAT AGAIN ... and so it was ... finally ... a new day ... alas ... the day after the day after ... all were so grateful ... so grateful... the day after the day after was finally here ...

... on my mind first 'ting' in the morning on the the day after the day after the day after ... I thought ... the most important 'ting' I can do is to make sure we all work together to make sure our children are taught about the evil of money and make sure money is never ever ever used again nor is the thought of anyone having to ever compete with another for love or affection for we love all and only supporting one another is loving and GOOD and lifting up and helping and encouraging one another ... always GOOD PUREHEART thoughts will ensure that no 'ting' ever gets in ... PUREHEART IN PUREHEART OUT ... to be continued ... but no money of any kind no accounting of any kind no wealth of any kind no hoarding of any kind no classes of any kind this is the TRUTH for we work for the love of one another and we will work as hard as a toilet bowl cleaner as we do a doctor or a computer engineer or an architect or other higher learning profession ever will for we are PUREHEART and you can count on that being one PURELY CLEANED TOILET BOWL if I am asked to clean it just as you can expect your surgery to go well if I am asked to perform it just as you can expect your code to run fast if I am asked to write it ... PUREHEART ... TRUTH is WAY to LIFE with G_D.


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