ZRO Airdrop Update


I was lucky enough to have been allocated a few hundred ZRO in the airdrop of which I sold a little more than half and keep holding on to 103 for the long term hold of the position as I already got back the cost of the airdrop which was like 25-30 dollars and then my profit on about half was over 10X and more on the part that I still hold as it has gone up another 2 dollars in price since I sold the first half and I also sold a little more at over 5 dollars the other day. If the price breaks out of its all time high which there seems to be resistance there it will likely if the overall bull market keeps going fly to the upside and the price level is not known after that but it will likely based on how the token has performed so far from 1 dollar to 5.31 currently go up further as it swings which will be less volatile as more of the airdrop allocated units are likely at least partially sold by most people to lock in some profit after that run up just in case we get a turn in the over all markets which would likely be a head wind at least if it wanted to keep making new highs which seems to be the pattern so far with the price as it has been absorbing any selling pretty easily and then explodes up to the next level where there is more selling and if it can hold then will likely continue the stair case up as price usually goes up then consolidates while people take profits and others who are buying still load up while there is a pullback and as long as the bull is in control in the ZRO traders as well as the overall markets in BTC and ETH to then we will likely see a pull back and maybe that little pullback was it but we might get a bigger one at the testing of the high again and if we were to break the high the price targets are not yet established as that will be the highest it has been. I am expecting the token to be at least double within a year in a bull market or flat market and in a bear market it would likely decline but as long as we have the overall interest in accumulating more at lower price levels which seems to be what the case is then ZRO should fall less then the overall markets.

I received a few hundred ZRO in the airdrop and now I wish I had held onto the half that I had sold originally as I would have been able to sell them for another 2 dollars a unit more but that works in reverse also and ensures I take a profit from trades or things where I am in the green but are volitile and could swing to the red fairly easily. I found it has been better for me to take a profit and re deploy into BTC ETH or USDC core holdings then adjust the underlying positions as needed that are deployed in the various protocols on different chains using a few lending protocols as the main holding areas and farming various airdrops while I borrow against the holdings in order to farm additional tokens and get paid to borrow as well as hedge the portfolio as any loan acts as a short position so if I can get paid to hold eth and then borrow it and make more with the airdrops than I pay in interest then I will use the different protocols to maximize the best drop at the time or best incentives being given out on the higher quality platforms that may be a bit newer but have been around for a while as well as some in the highest quality battle tested protocols as well. Then there is a portion that I allocate to new platforms and new chains airdrops as well which is the riskiest part but also can get very high rois for airdrops and incentives on the various protocols. The airdrops I have gotten recently like ZRO, ZERO, ARB, ZK were all in the hundreds to thousands of dollars each and just required that you actively engaged with certain chains, bridges, protocols or completed various social tasks or a combination of all of them and then you were likely allocated some sort of drop allocation and the ZK and ZRO drops I did not know I was getting at the time but all the ZK activity I had when the chain initially came out must have gotten me the larger airdrop of ZK as I did have a lot of liquidity in the ZK btc/eth LP on pancake swap for a good chunk of the year which likely let me get a good amount of airdropped tokens as well as the bridging back and forth of all the capital. The ZRO drop came from my activity hedging on HMX with short futures positions as HMX uses layer zero so anyone who interacted with that protocol got a airdrop of layer ZRO as well as a few others but HMX was responsible for over half of my ZRO tokens which is worth about $625. I might start using the HMX distributions to start buying ZRO dips as I think ZRO will be a key protocol that gets used and ends up collecting a lot of money in fees which will make the units more valuable as well as the more revenue it collects over any expenses the larger its treasury gets meaning the value of each unit goes up that controls that treasury and it would likely be at least in part used for token buy backs in order to burn tokens which would decrease the supply increasing the value per token which would increase the over all prices of all token holders as the foundation would the the one burning the tokens not anyone who holds them so the overall holders would favor a buyback and burn of the units bc of this which is why it is likely to happen using some of the profits once the protocol is cash flow positive and does not need that cash flow for other things like development which would likely come before any token buy backs happen but once development slows that is likely when the funds would be put to use in token buybacks if the use of the capital would not have higher returns for the stakeholders in the ecosystem they would then rather deploy any excess profits above the needs to continue growing at a pace that it can sustainably grow needs bc at some point you wont be able to grow much more. At this point no tokens are at that point really as BTC and ETH have yet to likely exceed there current market caps by a lot and that will pull up many others with it.

My approach to airdrops is get as many good airdrops for promising projects that you deff need to research a bit in advance to make sure that its not some sort of scam or waste of time and when you find one that is not a waste of time of scam then I commit x resources to it for the period and once I get the drop I remove the resources to re deploy unless like in ZKs case re deploying on ZK in RectorFusion for lending and on PacakeSwap for liquidity pools to earn fees and farming rewards which average about 20-30% APR on the lending farming for ZK and 100% plus APR with 50% being ZK for the liquidity provider fees on pancake swap. The ZK earned will go to re invest in the LP and lending for part of it and part will go be sold in a one sided LP set up to sell when prices go past a certain point where I want to start selling some of the position and I will keep accumulating ZK at that level and depositing in the one sided sell until it is sold adjusting if necessary the range of the sales depending on when I think the next inflection point will be so I can adjust the one sided sell to be almost done selling when the prices likely pull back so I can capture the fees on the way up and then back down on the pull back as well as any consolidation period before the next leg up. Based on looking at ZRO and ZKs charts I think they will both start to head upward especially ZK since it has been lagging behind after the airdrop likely due to its longer window to claim leaving people more time to claim and then sell there tokens which extends the selling pressure for the token and which is one of the reasons I think ZRO was able to recover faster than ZK is from its airdrop dump.

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