GAME CHANGER - Ponzi or Legit?

I wish to share with you a new money making opportunity. But beware, it's most likely a scam. 

For the purpose of this article, I'm assuming most of you are already familiar with Bitcoin and the impact it is having on our global financial industry.  It's making headlines, and it's popularity is reflected in it's soaring price. If you feel like shit because you missed out on Microsoft or Apple when they were in their infancy, now is your chance to make up for it.  Seriously. The writing is all over the walls with this one.  You'd have to be blind not to see this one coming!

I came across a YouTube video which introduced me to a website where I can make my Bitcoin grow exponentially.  It uses the compounding interest method (Einstein referred to compounding interest as the 8th wonder of the world) to make your account grow.  But before you jump to conclusions thinking this is a get-rich-quick scheme, let me first explain.

The majority of people who take an interest in Bitcoin will probably convert some of their fiat currency in exchange for some Bitcoin.  But what do you do with your new Bitcoin?  Most individuals will leave it sitting in their digital wallet, waiting for it to increase in price.  Very similar to putting some fiat money away into a savings account (well not really because once you do that, inflation eats away at it - banking is a criminal joke).

And in most cases, heading over to an exchange to do some currency trading is out of the question.  Too complicated and too risky.  Most of us are happy with our new Bitcoin just as it is.  Right?

This is where USI Tech comes into play. These guys have been in the Forex business for quite some time, and are now involved in the Cryptocurrency markets as well.  

What they offer is very unique.  They basically sell BTC Packages in $50 Euro lots. Each package is locked in for 140 days, and in return, they promise roughly 140% return!  Very similar to todays bonds and treasury bills.

The best part about their service is that you are paid 1% interest (give or take depending on the market) daily! Each day you will see these 1% payments added to your account, and over time, they add up quick.  You can either withdrawal this "dividend" from your account and spend it as you wish, or you can leave it and let it grow.  Once your interest payments are equivalent to $50 Euro, they give you the option to automatically re-purchase another BTC Package.  Now you have 2 packages earning you interest.  The compounding affect is substantial.  After a very short time, you can actually make your initial $50 investment grow into the thousands!  And as the price of Bitcoin keeps rising, so does the value of your portfolio!

Most people will probably buy more than 1 package.  The more you buy, the quicker the compounding process. And because this is simple math, its basically guaranteed.  On average, USI Tech has been paying out 1% daily. When your package expires after 140 days, you get your entire seed investment of $50 dollars back.  Then you re-purchase another package with this (wash, rinse, repeat).  All packages run for 140 days from date of purchase and can't be touched until expiry.

So basically, you can buy Bitcoin and sit on it.  Or you can "loan" it to these guys and let them pay you 1% daily for the privilege.  If you purchase just 1 BTC package, and keep re-investing the dividends to re-purchase more, you will realize large gains very quickly within 2 years.  If you buy 10 packages to start with, you will start realizing the gains even faster.  Its mind blowing, and its easy money!  Set it and forget it.

In order to create an account you will also need a sponsor.  Feel free to use the link below.  Signing up is free.  And as an added incentive, USI Tech offers multi level marketing opportunities.  So if you sign up and purchase a package from them, I will receive 10% for the lifetime of each of your investments.  If you then refer a friend of your own, you will receive 10%, and I will receive 3%.  But referrals are not necessary to be successful on this platform.  Referrals simply speed up the process of growing your account.

There is an opportunity here to make a decent passive income, all on auto-pilot! 

Since this is most likely too good to be true, don't invest what you can't afford to lose. 

Best of luck to you all,

Create an account using this link here - If you try creating an account directly, you will get an error message.

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