Amateur Investing

So lately I have gotten into investing in the stock market, amateur of course, with what little spare money I have. I was introduced to this app called Robinhood (if you want to start let me know, if you sign up with someones invite we each get a free share of a stock!) which is awesome at allowing someone like myself to invest with no cost per trade. Now obviously you need the money to invest so I am not investing in anything like Amazon or Apple since they are far too expensive. However along with just investing I have also found that certain stocks will pay quarterly, or even monthly in some cases, dividends. You can't make your whole portfolio off of dividend stocks because you should be diversified but I like the idea of getting money, even if it's a small amount, every month!

For now I think I'm only $100 deep in my portfolio but so far it has been a fun and interesting journey teaching myself about the market. Plus it gives me an edge, possibly, on my future in a way that something like my 401K will not. Plus for all the money I'm making off of dividends I can just turn around and dump it back into more shares of the same stocks and invest further to get more out of every month or quarter. Anyway just thought I'd share that Robinhood makes it easy to invest and actually makes it kind of fun as well!

Anyone out there have any tips or tricks please feel free to share! Thanks all and have a good night!

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