Take a Breath Crypto-Kids - Plenty of Money to be made, just don't lose it all before you get Started

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Plenty of crypto traders are picking out colors for their Lambo's . A large number of of them are under thirty. This is great, amazing attitude and enthusiasm.

I know this because while going through my self-imposed condensed education in the crypto arena I watched a few hundred video's. Everyday there's another million dollar token to buy, companies born yesterday, listed today. I jotted down all the names and then went to work.

I went to coinmarketcap, where all these darlings are listed. I went to the website, looked for the team etc...and then tried to figure out what it is they claimed they were going to do

Now here's where you say "oh yea I do all that too", and here's where I say: "are you old enough to remember the dotcom disaster? What were you doing when the property market was collapsing, do you know there was a near-miss banking collapse in 08-09, have you ever heard of Lehman Brothers?

Now is the time to really look at some of the nonsense being offered, look up what happened in 1929, and start learning a few market fundamentals, that means a human over forty that has followed markets for years.

Take a breath, take researched risks, it is a casino and I see young traders, not sleeping, buying a boatloads of crap and not looking at old school charts (not one-hour candles).

Most of all this: there are some big money blocks moving into the game, some Wall Street types, they operated like Borg and their mission is to take your money.
If you've been very lucky and made some dollars, take a breath, be smart, look at history and be prepared for something unexpected -good and bad.
On a personal note, I went to bed one night and the next morning I was down 70K when Lehman went down.
The point of this short reminder is this: don't be manipulated, events happen that may have nothing to do with you and your trading skills or the crypto market (that may impact you) and listen to people who know how legacy markets operate-we've been there and seen it all. Now go make that million!!!!

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