New NFL Policy To Prevent Players from Kneeling During Sky Cloth Ceremony


NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell announced a new policy today that will keep players from kneeling during a flag ceremony that, for some reason, takes place before every NFL game. However, in compromise, players who refuse to stand and honor the sky cloth are allowed to remain in the locker room during the ceremony at no penalty.

It's not a bad compromise, actually, but why are we holding these ceremonies before football games anyway?

As recently as 2015, the Department of Defense was doling out millions to the NFL for such things as military flyovers, flag unfurlings, emotional color guard ceremonies, enlistment campaigns, and — interestingly enough — national anthem performances. Additionally, according to Vice, the NFL’s policy on players standing for the national anthem also changed in 2009, with athletes “encouraged” thereafter to participate. Prior to that, teams were not given any specific instructions on the matter; some chose to remain in the locker room until after opening ceremonies were completed. (It’s unclear whether the policy change was implemented as a direct result of any Defense Department contracts.)

So, this policy - at least - steps down the language which forced teams to participate in the ceremony to begin with.

Look, I think we all have some things we like about living in the US. Even the most hardcore agorists out there would prefer to live in the US than, say, a war torn country with no opportunities at all. But this weird religiosity that we've been fed about how to honor a cloth and a song... it's weird! It's cultish.

Admittedly, I have been known to tear up during a war movie or an Olympic victory, but not because of sky cloth! I am moved by actual heroics, actual patriotism, and actual accomplishment. To continue to religiously hold onto a belief that this country still believes in freedom and individualism is to be so blind to the truth as to be an actual hinderance to real patriotism.

Sky cloth is not the answer. Anthems are not the answer. Forced servitude, forced obedience, and forced ceremonies are not the answer.

I understand that the team owners have a right to run their businesses however they like. But, you know what I would like to see? A voluntary ceremony where everyone is actually proud to participate in it. Including me. I want to be proud of this country. And, that, would move me.

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