Solo (film): It was about what i expected

I did not see this in theaters because they didn't have it in English. Although I have to admit that is not the only reason I didn't go. Had it been in English I probably still wouldn't have gone.


You see, I am one of the people that feel as though the Star Wars universe has been pretty much destroyed since shortly after Disney got a hold of it. I enjoyed Rogue One, but have been underwhelmed with anything else that has come out, in particular I absolutely hated The Last Jedi. I wrote a vitriol-filled diatribe about that piece of crap.

That being said, Solo was visually stunning, the story was actually pretty good about how Han ended up being a smuggler and his introduction to Chewie. Lando, and of course the Millennium Falcon kind of makes sense.


Now, i hope this doesn't make me sound too misogynistic, but Disney just had to go and throw a feminist agenda into the film again didn't they? I'm not going to spoil anything but there are several instances where the women characters are the saviors to the "donkey stupid" men they are accompanying and I just gotta wonder why Disney keeps doing this. Even one of the droids was a #metoo robot with an attitude who is hell bent on saving the world and equal rights.

The visual effects are amazing, especially the scenes during the Kessel Run, which is funny to me that such an epic event can be spawned from one line that was spoken by Han in the Mos Eisley Cantina back in Star Wars IV.


This was the best part of the film for me and for and I would imagine this was incredible to see in the theater. I saw it on on 50" screen with a pretty poor audio system so I can only imagine how intense it would have been in an IMAX theater.
Having their escape cut off by a star destroyer surrounded by a space maelstrom was eerie and awesome.


I would be interested in seeing how much of this was CGI and how much was actually done using scale models. If it is 100% CGI it is very very good CGI because it looks crisp and never fake the way the CGI did in Episodes 1 and 2.

The acting is good, the action is nicely paced, the story is interesting and the addition of Woody Harrelson is always welcome in my book. The only problem I had with it is that they have a slapstick feel to it and hints of a political agenda. Overall, it is worth seeing and deserving of praise.

8 / 10

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