Go (film): a pretty decent film from the 90's that nobody saw

It has since achieved cult status, but for years I think most people allowed this movie to pass them by - which is a shame because it is a really great film.


A lot of this film has to do with a bunch of people who, for various reasons are trying to get to this rave for various reasons. Their stories are not related at first but they get intertwined as the story goes along. One of the characters that is heavily focused on is Ronna Martin (Sarah Polley) who accidentally becomes a part-time drug-dealer and she is not very good at it.


She ends up getting really nervous about someone asking too many questions and ends up flushing her stash of pills down the toiled because she believes the question asker was an undercover cop. She ends up getting over-the-counter medication and selling those pills as well. This is the only thing i am going to spoil about this movie because I was young in the 90's and the way in which everyone gets "high" from pills that aren't even ecstasy reminds me of a bunch of people I knew back in those days. People that were so desperate for attention that they would do something like take a baby aspirin and then be all sorts of messed up because of it.

anyway, moving one. The reason why this movie is great is because the different characters (and there are a lot of them) have their own stories but eventually all of the stories come together. They are told in a non linear fashion similar to the way in which Pulp Fiction was presented.

these two are great in this, what happened to them?

The film is fast-paced and never boring and one of my favorite actors who really doesn't get as much screen time as I feel he deserves is in it too. William Fichtner plays Burke, a police officer with a few secrets and no, i am not going to spoil this one, but it was great.

this is William Fichtner, by the way

I really can't imagine what it was about this movie that made it have such a poor showing at the box office. Perhaps the name of the movie or the fact that it was related to drugs made it difficult to market. I don't know. I like it and even feel as though it has real re-watch value as well.

8 / 10

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