Ex Machina (film): a real mindf**k for sci-fi nerds

Recognized as one of the ten best independent films of 2015, this movie speaks to the minds of anyone that is a fan of science-fiction or just has an interest in the advancement of technology and the potential dangers that they introduce to our world.


I definitely do NOT want to spoil any of this film for you guys out there because I think that if there was ever a forum of individuals who likely have an interest in technology-related films, particularly ones that are partially based in truth, it would be right here at Steemit where I am likely to find those people. So basically i will just say this: See this film if you have not done so already.

The plot is simple and this is spoiler-free and is in the first 10 minutes of the movie. A programmer named Caleb is invited to the home of the CEO for the company that he works for in order to do some Turing test confirmation work on an artificial life-form that the CEO (named Nathan) has spent a great deal of time creating. That's the story. I'm not going to say more because there are many opportunities for me to spoil the movie and I don't want to do that.

Caleb and Nathan, hanging out

This movie is magnificent because not only does it mess with the characters in the movie, it messes with you, the viewer and there are still tons of fan theories out there about what actually happened as it is not spelled out in the film directly. However, at the same time it isn't terribly cryptic and it is kind of left up to you the viewer about what you want the ending to mean.

This movie is very non-Hollywood in its delivery and also how the plot progresses. It has some reveals that are not so surprising and then some others that are quite shocking. There aren't really a whole lot of plot holes other than some glaring ones such as the CEO of a major company deciding to live in the middle of nowhere and how it is that he gets supplies etc. I suppose we will have to just believe that it is possible to keep a place that isolated stocked with food and booze and what not.

I might be overrating this movie because I really like the genre but I don't give a crap. This movie is excellent. I also now really want to travel to Norway because the scenery in this film is out of the this world.

9 / 10

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