If your smartphone makes you a superhero - iBoy #mondayreview

It's time again for the Monday's opinion.
Today under my review: iBoy.

Funny enough, iBoy was not the first choice this time but a Netflix suggestion. Because we looked at 'Vice' and I wanted to comment on it. However, disappointingly enough, the movie did not produce much, and after Netflix kindly suggested a new movie, we looked at iBoy afterward ;-) and I devote my time to the much better movie by director Adam Randall. A film whose original is a book by Kevin Brooks was released in 2010.

But before there is my review, once again as usual in the Monday opinion the plot of the film.

The storyline of iBoy

Tom, a rather introverted teenager stands on his classmate Lucy. Unfortunately, when he visits her at her apartment, he witnesses a masked man raping the girl. He flees to call the police with his smartphone while being shot in the head by one of the masked men.
In the hospital, he learns that the shot between the head and smartphone some parts of the phone get into the head and are not removable.
Through this accident, he suddenly develops supernatural powers. He can suddenly receive and transmit electromagnetic waves alone with thought force. He can control anything that is in any way related to electricity.
With his newly won super power and great anger on the tormentor of his girlfriend, he once begins something different vendetta.

What to look out for watching the movie:
Iboy is a superhero movie. As in all superhero films, the more cinematic happenings never coincide with reality. If you tend to compare films with reality, you have very bad cards here and certainly no joy. Because, of course, there are also abilities that are illogical and sometimes insane. But if you are open to new filmmaking realities you can have a lot of fun watching.

I am open minded and dive into foreign realities without having to explain everything, so I found the movie as a whole very successful ;-).

Why I felt the movie worth seeing:

From the first second on the film had a special effect on me.

  • On the one hand, that was due to the choice of music I really liked.
  • On the other hand, but also on the beautiful staging.

There were some great pictures on the screen and you noticed that the director has a good eye for it. For example, some pictures of the London skyline were brought to light through the blue hour. (The blue hour is an element used in photography but also in film - an hour that can be seen after sunset and which makes the world appear in a light blue light). Another example is a scene where Tom brushes through containers. The tracking shot combined with the shapes and colors of the containers skilfully staged the picture.

  • Also the visual effects of Tom's super powers have been well and harmoniously incorporated into the real context.
  • It was neither too much nor too little, nor too unrealistic.

If a movie has beautiful pictures, I also prefer to be under the spell ;-).

What I still noticed positively:

The film gave the viewer the opportunity to read between the lines. Specifically, this means that even with little music and text, the film could tell its story, solely because of his camera movement and image adjustment. A film that creates something is in my eyes a really successful movie.

Which questions were taken up in the film:

Either a movie is purely for entertainment or he tries to throw a moral or a question in the room. At iBoy both were achieved in my opinion. Which questions that went through my mind when watching were:

  • How far can revenge do one?
  • How far would superpowers change you?
  • What distinguishes people doing evil from people who act against evil with evil means?
  • ...

    What could have done better in the movie:

    The romantic level of the strip was cut and only superficially told. Here you would like to have a bit of depth. The development of the affection between Tom and Lucy was indeed felt - but that's all.

Since I did not read the book, I can not make a comparison at this point. Maybe someone of you read the book and saw the movie?

I would also give this movie, like The Commuter 6 out of 7 stars.


iBoy is a movie that every superhero fan should have seen in any case. Also for all those who are interested in photography and film in general, the 90 minutes is an eye-catcher from which one can learn a lot.

Have a wonderful start to the week - Your Kristina ♥

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