The ( Anti ) Rain Dance - Back to My Filmmaking Days - Part 1 - Hidden Humanoids

So, in my last post I forgot to break the news on my housing situation, for those interested, namely that I will at least be able to keep renting this place up till Spring next year. Bear market, or not, I won't need to hibernate in a cave, coming Winter. That's nice.

Talking about caves, 4 years ago, in the Summer of 2018, less than half a year after having left The Netherlands to find myself a place to live in (Spain or) Portugal, the guy that I had been making long distance film projects with, from 2013 onward, managed to get me to collaborate (long distance) once again.

We called our project in the so-called 'serial' format (not to be confused with cereal): Tunnels of the Shadow People.

I actually dedicated dozens of posts on this project, back in the days, on the predecessor of Hive, Steemit. If you search for "Tunnels of the Shadow People" on you will be able to find them.

The project was eventually frozen / abandoned, about half a year later, early 2019, as by then I had other things to focus on (mainly managing my official move to Portugal) and my filmmaking buddy Ted had to focus on things that actually made money.



Earlier this week, my brother, his girlfriend and a friend of theirs visited me. They spent 3 nights at my place. We had a good time. Three days ago, I spent a couple of hours with that friend, while my brother and his girlfriend were out grocery shopping.

In those couple of hours, we talked about gamemaking, as this guy is a gamemaker and we also got to talk about my filmmaking background. As he had shown me the trailers of two of his games, I felt a strong urge to show him some of my indie shoestring budget filmmaking projects ( from roughly 2010 to 2019 ).

After showing him three of my short films, from 2010/11 and 2012 as well as the project that I talked about above (Tunnels of the Shadow People), my brother and his girlfriend returned.

And then, after unpacking all the groceries, I decided to show all three of them the 6 episodes that Ted ( my long distance filmmaking buddy ) and I ended up creating for a project titled Hidden Humanoids, back in 2015-16.


The star of this serial was the same actor ( and now friend of mine ), Miro Brooks, who also acted in those older three short films, that I showed my brother's friend.

Miro is an amazing guy and I loved to work with him. He has an over the top acting style that always makes me laugh and he loves to improvise, just how I like it. It worked perfectly for this project, that was supposed to be some kind of (home video, diy, found footage) spoof on 'crazy' people claiming they have seen a Bigfoot / Sasquatch / Yeti or any other kind of mythical creature, hence the title 'Hidden Humanoids'.

The idea was to hopefully get some kind of following and perhaps get others / other filmmakers to actually participate in this project, creating their own creature videos, making the project grow organically.

Unfortunately, that never happened, aside from finding this one old man ( that you see portrayed in the 6th and last video ). We tried to collaborate with him and he even sent us more footage, after we had given him some directions, but it slowed the project down way too much and we eventually pulled the plug - the story of my filmmaking life.

Although I suggest you watch all 6 episodes in chronological order, starting with:

Hidden Humanoids - My Search for the Small Human Like Creatures

the title of this post actually refers to the second video in this project, that is shown above today's writing and was called Elemental Earth Dance.

I would now probably call it 'Anti Rain Dance'.

So, to get back to today (and the current weather), this dance is for all of you who are going through rainy seasons, flooding (especially you @justinparke @sreypov @kidsisters @ahleap in Cambodia) and all women, men and children in other parts of Asia as well as Africa experiencing similar extreme weather conditions.

If you watch the video, you will see that the anti-rain dance has an opposite effect, but I merely hope that will lead to rain here in Portugal and in other parts of Southern Europe, as well as in all places in the world that are experiencing extreme heat and drought.

You guys ( and hopefully I too ) can have some of this guy's rain.

I am gonna end it here for today, let's see of this (anti) rain dance has any effect.

Watch all 7 episodes of Hidden Humanoids on YouTube HERE

I truly hope these videos make you smile. They sure made my brother smile - which I liked to see - as well as myself. And, looking back on Tunnels of the Shadow People , Hidden Humanoids and all other previous shoestring budget film projects of mine, I actually feel pretty proud of what I have been able to pull off, under the circumstances. It's just a shame that so few people got to see these projects, so let's see if I can chance that now ;<)

So what about you? Do you ever go back in time, to revisit your own work and if so, how does it make you feel?


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