Diskopar - Original Short Film - 0:48 - Zagreb - The Academy of Fine Arts

Hello everyone, we are taking a short break from posting about our video game. We have mentioned in our introduction post that we film short films as well. A few members of our studio act in a feature movie. After we spent the day on a set yesterday, it motivated us to share our own short film with you.

Direction & camera: misterMiao
Voice & subtitles: Jan

The concept of this short film was to isolate one element of the city for a sociological-artistic assignment at the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb, Croatia.

Diskopar was chosen as the object of this story. Diskopar is one of the symbols of the upper city of Zagreb, yet he is forgotten. He is watching over his city, but no one is looking through him. Are there any similar forgotten places or objects in your city?

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If you liked this short film you can check our short satire about the hardships of student life here.

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