
Hello everyone, this is Quizas Dong from China, Suzhou. I know it is an unusual name which may cause trouble to pronounce, but, emmm, actually it is not English, it’s Spanish and comes from a song by Nat King Cole called Quizas, Quizas, Quizas. It is actually one of my favorite songs from one of my favorite movies In the Mood for Love, directed by Wong Kar Wai, also my favorite director in HK. Well I guess now you may get a little hint of my hobby, which is, absolutely, films. It is my first day in Steem/it and I wanna do some film reviews and recommendations in my page. Hope you guys love it.

Hello大家好,我是來自蘇州的Quizas Dong。可能大家聽到Quizas這個名字會覺得有點奇怪,有點難念,但是沒關係,就叫我吉薩斯好了。其實呢我的名字是西班牙文,來自Nat King Cole的一首歌《Quizas,Quizas,Quizas》。這首歌是我最喜歡的電影《花樣年華》中的插曲,也是我最喜歡的一部王家衛的作品。說到這兒可能大家已經猜到愛好啦,那就是電影 : - P 今天是我第一天加入Steemit,我希望在接下來的日子裡可以和大家分享一些電影評論和推介,如果喜歡的話,歡迎大家follow我哦~


I’m now an undergraduate in Mainland China who is making every effort to apply MA in film production. I major in Communication Studies in my BA but I’m getting a bit tired of journalism and media theory staff, and wanna concentrate more on film, so I guess film production is my best choice. In my Steemit page, I wanna share my favorite films and my opinions about them. What I love most is HK cinema and European cinema. Among them, I’m most interested in HK Wuxia films and art house films, as well as French New Wave and Kieslowski. Of course Bergman is the best of the best, but his works contain too much knowledge of religion, psychology and philosophy and I’m just not smart enough to talk about his works. If you are a big Bergman fan, I’d like to know your opinions and have a chat together about him : - P

我的本科念的是傳播學,但是新聞和媒體理論這些東西和我的興趣太不相符了。我想要專心地從事電影行業,所以打算在研究生階段修讀電影製作的課程。在我的steemit page中呢,我想向大家分享我喜歡的電影,以及我對這些電影的看法。我的最愛是香港電影和歐洲電影,在這兩個大範圍內呢,又最喜歡香港武俠片、文藝片,以及法國新浪潮中的大師神作和波蘭的基耶斯洛夫斯基對於心理的研究。伯格曼也是我超級喜歡和尊敬的一位導演,但他的電影中蘊涵了太多宗教、心理和哲學領域的知識,淺薄如我,還完全不夠資格去討論這樣的大師的作品 : - P 當然啦,如果有伯格曼的影迷在這裡,歡迎和我討論研究~


Well, basically that’s all about me and if you’re interested in films, please follow me and I will be more than glad to talk with you guys in the future !




Photo credit to:@白袍慕雲

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