Snowpiercer - Lets talk film / A rare combination of style and story

From the creator of "Memories of Murder" comes another thrilling and engaging film which will make you question your existence. I have already wrote of "Memories of Murder" about which you can read here. Today we'll be looking into Bong Joon-ho's English debut film "Snowpiercer". Like his other films Bong Joon-ho tries to put elements of all the genre into one film trying to come up with a hyper version of the story. "Snowpiercer" is a post-apocalyptic survival film, but has elements of black comedy, action scenes, fight, blood violence and a whole lot. 

After the attempt to combat global warming, humans will come up with a way to cool down the earth. This will go out of control and the entire earth will become frozen killing all human beings. Except for the last few survivors who will be inside the "Snowpiercer" a train which will be going around the Earth. The film shows the stupidity of humans, even when there is nothing left they will be fighting for power. The train will be divided into two parts the front section which will be inhabited by the high class people and the tail section inhabited by the lower class people. The high class will be taking control of the lower class. The movie is about Curtis Everett, the man who revolts against the high class to take control over the train and to provide better life for his people in the tail section.

The story of the film may remind you of "Schindler's list" or "12 Years a Slave", because it talks about the same subject matter. By setting it in the future there was a lot of room for creativity and also the story became much more unexpected. The people of the front section are all civilized with their own schools and good food, but the tail section people are filled with filth, disease and drugs. The contrast of this is showed using colors, when the tail section is showed shades of black is used whereas to show the front section bright vibrant colors are used. 


One of the things I realized after watching an video by 'Everyframeapainting' on Youtube is the use of left to right movement. The forward movement of the protest by the people from tail section revolting is showed by making them movie from left to right part of the scene. This is used as a basic language throughout the film. The good or the bright side is towards the right and the bad or the dirty side is towards the left. This is a subconscious thing that helps the audience be involved.

One of my favorite scenes in the film is the tunnel battle scene. The tail section people will not be able to see in the dark and will be getting butchered by the controlling people like meat. Curtis will tell his people to get fire, this is the most empowering scene. The small kid running with the torch which will be passed on to other and then another and finally which will reach the battle is very powerful to watch. This scene can be watched as a single set piece, it has its starting middle and the end.

Thank you for reading this post. I highly recommend you all to watch this film, this film has all the qualities to become a classic. After a decade or so the true value of the film will be known by everyone. I know there are a lot of post about this film here on Steemit, but I wrote mine as a way to appreciate this great film. For more posts like this follow me.

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