Rebecca (1940) - Lets talk film / When your past stabs you from behind

A rich man marries a young girl who he meets at a party, but soon the young girl realizes that this man already had  a wife and id still in love with her. She tries hard to win his love, but fails. A person who isn't there will be coming in between their relationship. This will torture her. But, why was her husband so obsessed with his first wife? What was she like? The answers are really not something anyone would expect. This is the premise of Alfred Hitchcock's "Rebecca". This movie is one of the best thrillers that out there. 

Maxim" de Winter an aristocrat will meet Joan Fontaine a young girl who will be a paid companion to a rich lady at the party. Max and Joan fall in love and soon they get married. Joan soon realizes that Max is still in love with his previous wife Rebecca. Rebecca is know for her beauty and the love she gave her husband. Everyone liked Rebecca, but she will be dead. Max's housekeeper Mrs. Danvers will be obsessed about Rebecca and she will try every single trick to drive Joan out of the house.

Joan being an innocent young girl will be new to the rich and luxurious life style lead by Max. She will be trying hard to fit in, but Mrs. Danvers will be stopping her every step of the way. This movie seems to play out like a domestic drama soon turns into a intense thriller very unexpectedly. An abandoned boat comes to the shore of the river that runs near Max's Mansion. Inside the boat there will be something that turns the life of Max and Rebecca around and will start an adventure for the couples. What is inside the boat? Why don't you watch the movie and find out.


The movie is legendary. The movie also inspired the phrase "The Rebecca Case", in crime investigation when ever a case is impossible to solve they are called The Rebecca Case. The film is one of the best works of Alfred Hitchcock and has won the Academy Awards for The Best Picture.

One of my favorite scenes in this movie is when Max will be revealing the reality of Rebecca to Joan, and while he is telling it the camera moves as if it is following the movements of an invisible Rebecca. This will make the audience imagine what kind of a person Rebecca really was.

"Rebecca" is a kind of a movie that will definitely haunt you for a few days after watching it. It starts of like a dramatic film and suddenly turns into a thriller and a horror film. This is a must watch for mystery lovers. Thank you for reading this post. For more posts and reviews on movies follow me.

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