Exciting train ride with Liam Neeson - The Commuter #mondayreview

Good evening Steemians I will start giving you the reviews in german and english as well :-D

Especially for my steemian friend @pryde and all the other english speaking followers ♥

It's Monday and that means: It's time again for the Monday Opinion. In the last few days it was a bit more turbulent with me, which is why I am only in the evening to write. Sorry - BUT although I had a lot of work in my hands, I am all the more pleased to have seen the fabulous movie 'The Commuter' in between and to introduce it to you today.

You heard me right. Today it's about the new action strip starring Liam Neeson. 'The Commuter', the new feature film directed by Jaume Collet-Serra. A movie I did not even want to look at, because I thought unfounded way: Oh again, an action movie with Liam. That's certainly just as similar as 96 hours - taken. As usual action-packed and heroic ... yawn, we already know everything.
BUT after we have seen various trailers of the currently launched films in their original constitution, it became clear: The trailer simply convinced the others and preferred a familiar Liam Neeson heroic movie than the other. In the end, we were all the more pleasantly surprised.

But as always first a rough outline of the action ;-)

The plot of the movie The Commuter with Liam Neeson:

Leading actor Michael McCauly, insurance broker and former police officer, makes himself as usual with the same train at the same time on the way to work. There, as usual, he loses his job unusually. Frustrated, disappointed and speechless, he hisses with his former colleagues from the police for the shock once a few beers. Nevertheless, he makes himself then as usual every day at the same time, in the same train with many passengers with whom he is already by you in the early evening on the way home.
This day, however, should be different than the usual commuter days of the protagonist: An Unknown woman makes him a seductively dangerous offer and disappears again immediately. But the decision whether to accept the offer or not and the question 'who are you' remain with Michael on the train.
Due to its miserable situation, he can not refrain from rejecting the proposal and decides by accepting a large sum of dollar bills finally for the offer. From then on, an action-packed adventure begins like the train has never seen before. Exciting stories are revealed and truths uncovered that no one expected.

Why I found the movie great:

After Bright and Downsizing, 'The Commuter' really got me going from start to finish. Through the clever use of emotional camera work, I was drawn into the film and the characters. Finally again :-D In particular, the figure of Michael McCuley was well worked out by facial features, clothing, gestures, music and close attitudes. One could empathize with the thoughts and feelings of the recently unemployed family man and understand his decisions, no matter how strange they were.
I really enjoyed it - the whole movie.

But not only the characters were clearly defined in the film because of their complete appearance, their behavior and their reactions.
Likewise, the environment and the sense of routine commuter life were well worked out in visual and auditory form, and from the first second you felt like you were immersed in the action.

The interaction of music, camera work and actors was in my opinion really TOP. There was only one scene that irritated me a bit and where I was annoyed about the wobbly camera. However, when I was then informed about details of the plot one or two surprises later, this scene suddenly made sense. (More I do not want to write about that) Maybe you know what I mean by seeing.

This shows that the director really thought!

In addition, there were other filmic highlights that amazed me and made the movie an experience.

Some settings astonished me:

A scene I do not want to withhold from you:

  • Michael, who has come back to expect the offer of course, now has the task of finding a person between all the passengers on the train.
    Just in the moment you learn that he decided to accept the mission, the camera starts from him and his car compartment (remember he was at the front) to drive down to the last detail. This gives you an idea of ​​the size of the train and an extremely good idea that this mission is as seductive as it seems impossible given the number of passengers and the limited time.

That really fascinated me!

If I gave the movie stars I would give it 6 out of 7 stars.
My friend is here even d'accord ;-)

Why the movie still only gets 6 out of 7 stars from me and my friend:

Now you ask yourself - why only 6, if the strip was so awesome? Yeah, that's what I asked myself. Something in me has resisted giving 7. And that was not just because I'm really critical. So I have heard more closely in myself and found out what I was missing:
The story was well told
The staging of the individual scenes was indeed nicely worked out
The overall picture of the film has indeed convinced

Unfortunately, I can not say one thing about The Commuter:

Unfortunately, the film did not trigger any self-reflection or anything else in me. As you may have noticed, I'm a fan of philosophy, discussion and reflection - and a movie that makes me think about my own behavior, life or the lives of others at the end of the film is usually a movie that really works remains in my memory.
A film that is not only perceived by me during the film but also triggers the certain something and leaves behind - DER has earned in any case 7 if everything else is also consistent.

The Commuter is a great movie and deserves 173 out of 173 possible entertainment points from me in any case ;-).

Sometimes the conversation is just THAT goes with a movie. And if you can do it, that's a big win.
I criticize again at a really high level ^^ - well, Kristina level.

At this point, I would not like to talk more about the film. You should really be able to fully experience the movie this time.
But of course you will get my conclusion again shortly:


In summary, The Commuter is an action movie you must have seen. No matter if you like the genre or not.
Due to the character presentation and emotional camera work he is in my eyes for all a must.

For film lovers and creative people, the strip is in any case also for him to look at several times.
Because there are so many audiovisuals to marvel, to discover and to learn that one can not see enough.

A 104 minutes with interesting staging, great story and surprise effects.
Although as action-packed as a normal action movie, The Commuter is still filmmaking, just a big movie.

Spiked with unexpected .... (I will not reveal anything) just fabulous
Look forward to this movie ;-)

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