Original music video production

Final assignment for video production class is shooting an original music video for a remixed song. Our group, with our production name called "FOW Productions" decided to do a music video based on the remix version of the song Stressed out by Twenty One Pilots. The whole process was pretty tiring, from pre-production to production to post, it almost seems like a real production to me. Really glad to have the opportunity to be the producer for this and its one of my first few times shooting a music video!



It was really a good experience having to do this whole project with the team. But I have to say the whole process (even right now, still working on the documentations) was super tiring and draining our brain juice. From coming up with a song, a story, finding talents and extras, location and tech recce and many other necessary plannings, has made our team gone through sleepless nights. What more, our pitch have been rejected by our lecturer 2 times, imagine the process of having to brainstorm through the whole story and everything and get rejected at the end, having to do it all over again. But I guess, these experience is something that could get us all there, so its totally worth it! I would say, even after this tiring process producing just a 3-4min music video, I am still very up for more of these projects in the future. I really just love doing creative productions.

This photo of us consulting pretty much sums up how tired and dead we are..

Why we chosed this song?

We choose the song Stressed out because our team thought of doing a MV that can raise awareness in any way, and so we thought this song and the lyrics can somehow help us to bring out the story we wanted about bullying and peer-pressure. We believe that there's many unvoiced bullying cases and teenagers growing up with peer-pressure from friends and family happening around the world, people may even change their behaviour, attitude and who they really are just to fit in the "cool kids club". So we hope that this simple MV would help in raising awareness of the unheard voices in these cases. Besides that, this is a really cool song too!


Types of camera angels used

As most of us know, there are many different types of camera angles people can use to produce their video content! Likewise, our team has been utilising the different types of camera angles we learnt in this project to bring out the cinematic feel for the music video. We even used techniques like panning to make the video more alive. Here are some examples of the different types of shots we used that are not really familiar for people who don't have much knowledge on film, hope these could help some of you catch something new and most importantly, getting to experience movies in a different perspective!

Over the shoulder shot

Seems familiar? These shots are normally used for dialogues, but it still can be used for a different take.

Low angle shots

If you've watched our video, you might know where this shot could be spotted :p


Special thanks to the crew Jun Liew, Ammar Adzim, Eric Low, Anthea Bong for making it happen. Also not forgetting Dana Jayne, who helped with the make-up and also Elfzam for being out main actor :)

Here's the video! I'll not say much and hope the MV would tell the story itself! Cheers

Disclaimer : No human was hurt during the production.


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