Bedevilled: The most upsetting movie i have seen in ages

Let's put this out there right at the start: If you are easily shocked or offended - do NOT watch this movie.

However, if you like good storytelling that has a fantastic buildup and actually makes you feel something while you are watching it.... then watch this movie. Just be expected to get upset at some point during it. I did.

it really is something else guys

So, if you don't know anything about Korean movies the main thing you need to understand is that they first off, tend to be in Korean. Therefore, if you are not comfortable in reading English subtitles (likely to be the only ones available) or just happen to be completely fluent in Korean, than this is probably an unlikely interest choice for you.

That being said: Korean film (in a general sense) is truly remarkable. I continue to buy these films on a regular basis because at least for me, as an American, they break all the rules. You don't know the outcome of the film when you sit down and let's be honest... if you go to the latest Tom Cruise blockbuster you already know.... you KNOW , that regardless of the insurmountable circumstances facing his character that he is going to eventually win. Oh sure, he might occasionally have some sort of terrible setback that makes it appear as though the baddies might emerge victorious but well, Tommy always pulls it together in the end, normally with very little time remaining.

007 movies, although polished and entertaining always result in James winning in the end.

From the moment the credits of "Gladiator" started you knew that Russel Crowe's character was going to come out on top.

You do not know this when you sit down to a Korean film. Such is the case with Bedevilled.


At the start of the film it isn't even terribly evident what the film is even about or even who the main characters are. It isn't until well into the (very engaging) story that we, the audience, even understand where they are going with the storyline. But the entire time, you will be drug through emotions that make you want to throw something across the room. To me, this is good storytelling.

If you recall a few days ago I blogged about a game called "INSIDE" and i liked this game because they didn't tell you how to feel.... they let the art tell the story for itself.

I want to see a movie that will make me feel something and not just attempt to "wow" me with 100 million dollars of special effects.

I can't say too much about this movie without doing a spoiler thing... So i am going to be intentionally ambiguous and just say go and watch this movie if you can understand that it is shocking and graphic and also you will likely need to read it because it is in Korean.


The film premiered as an official selection of International Critics' Week at the 2010 Cannes Film Festival. I don't know much about what goes on at Cannes, but I'm pretty sure you have done something pretty special if you are invited. Especially if your movie happens to be from Asia.

Seo Young Hii, the top-billed actress in this movie has won multiple awards for her role in Bedevilled and she definitely deserves that

The film was made for under $700,000 and i don't know how much they made off of it but I am sure it was much much more than this.

I have intentionally not included the film trailer and if you are interested in my point of view on things I highly recommend you do NOT watch the trailers either. They spoil entirely too much of the movie. That's the thing about Korean cinema. You have to trust the directors to not rip you off. They have a good story and they tell it. If they fail, you avoid that director in the future. Simple economics.

again... before you watch this I want to warn once again that parts of it are very shocking and graphic.

Thanks for reading, and i hope you enjoy what i do here.

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