Kulam: Sorcery & Witchcraft, The art of using evil power

Kulam - Sorcery & Witchcraft, The art of using evil power

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Among the widespread occult practice in the Philippines is sorcery. It is true, there are lots incidents that are recorded in the chronicles of the country. Most of the time these are kept inside the minds of every Filipino.

What is Kulam or Sorcery?
Base on definition, sorcery is the ability to harness evil and use its supernatural power to hurt people and influences places and events. They uses drugs, magic charms and spells to carry the evil results. This witchcraft will control the person towards something that they don't like. We have not seen any victim of sorcery that prefer to like what had happen to them.

Sorcery and witchcraft are true and still effective up to these days, and there are people who don't believe that, maybe because of the existence of technologies and the improvement of knowledge. Residents in cities usually are the one who don't believe in such existence. Maybe they were taught by their parents, teacher and families that spirit world is not true. There is no such thing as sorcery and that's what others believe in to.

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There was one incident that I will share to make point. There was this couple who were blessed with fortune because the head of the family is working a pilot and is earning very well. But like other head of the family who works far away from his family, the husband fall into a wrongdoing and engage in another woman. This act were kept hidden to his wife and he had this guilt inside because like him, his wife is also enduring the feeling of longingness because it is the family.

The husband decided to end up his relationship to his mistress but the mistress didn't accept it, instead she promise that she will bring chaos to his family if he will truly leave. The husband ignored the women and returned to his wife.

A week after his returned, his wife started to feel a pain in her jaw. It hurts so much. They went to the doctor for examination and undergone x-ray and were prescribed with medicine to remove the pain. Specialist were also examining her but all of them found nothing wrong. Still the wife continuously felt the pain and is in suffering.

They have also visited a dentist to have her jaw examine for any problems but again it was useless. Nothing wrong were found inside her jaw that could produce such pain and the pain is getting severe every now and then.

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All their works with the doctors and specialist were all in vain. Their knowledge were limited only to what they have learned. One of their neighbors suggested to visit a faith healer because there are commotion that the wife became a victim of sorcery. They are doubtful at first because they don't believe in such things. But the doctors could not do anything, they had decided to visit a faith healer.

They visited a faith healer who knows how to fight against sorcery. While they were still at faith healer's place, it was confirmed that the wife was a victim of sorcery and it was from a woman. The faith healer identified the woman as the mistress of the husband. The husband have nothing to do but to admit his sins towards his wife and family.

The faith started to perform his ritual to break the curse and started to cure the wife. After that event, the wife got healed and didn't feel the pain anymore. They were so happy because at last, the wife is now free from pain. They paid the healer and gladly return home.

After two weeks, the pain surface again and this time it was more painful than before. Again, she tried taking painkillers but still the pain won't begone. Aside from the pain, the wife started to see spirits and frightened her. There are times that the wife went floating like somebody is carrying her.

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This nightmare lasted for 23 years and within that period they had already visited all sorts of healers. Doctors, specialist, sorcery, witch doctors, warlocks, you name it, they had visited them not only in the Philippines but to other countries. Their desperate even took them to Jordan where they had paid a faith healer $1,000 an hour just to secure treatment but still it was all in vain.

Currently, they are in a loss. They had spent all their fortunes visiting from place to place in search for the cure. They had travelled all around the world. Travelling around the world is good but for them, it was so painful because they were looking for something that could not be found anywhere else.

After all that years enduring so much pain, they remembered God, the real God. This was the problem of many people, they forgot about God and only remembers Him as the last option. We can always seek God's assistance but should we wait to have everything fall apart before deciding to seek God? Seek ye first the kingdom of God and all these things shall be added unyo you. Put God first and things will be alright.

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And so they did asked God, and with the assistance of few people, it was successful. God heard there prayers and cure freed the wife from so much pain which she had been enduring for years. If you are going to ask how quick was the help of God? If they had spent 23 years curing the pain, with God it only took them in less than an hour. Yes, its right, they just prayed together with other people who we referred as pastors and everything went all right.

Well not purely a plain and smooth going because their enemies are the evil spirits coming from the different faith healers and the strongest one coming from the mistress of the husband. There were encounters because those spirits tried to fight back but fortunately the power of God is more stronger to them that is in the world.

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This was originally written by Hiram G. Pangilinan in Filipino language, modified and translated by @juvyjabian to be understood by steemit community.

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