Are the mass shootings all connected?

I know it is not a simple question and that the answer is also not so simple. Still, I feel like it's important to remember that many of these killers spend time in the exact same chat rooms. They speak directly to each other in places like 4chan about these targeted killings.

The fact should not be lost in all of the bluster from corporate media that the shooters are using rhetoric that is identical to the talking points from the commander in cheeto. There is, in my opinion, no doubt that the fascist right wing of human being has been building hatred, anger and violence within their communities, both online and in real life. They have steadily prepared for this time.

The mass shootings are targeted. The shooters have a shared agenda. There IS more than one shooter. They are literally all in the same chat rooms.

This is a civil war, right now it is one sided. We the people are being openly killed by radicalized hate filled individuals who openly collude to kill anyone who does not fit into their monoculture of Christian White Ideology. This is what a movement of White Nationalists looks like.

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