Fifty Words - Island - Ireland Quickly

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Ireland Quickly

"Ireland did you say?"
"Aye, a ship to the island."
"It'll be 3 diamonds ride"
"Arr, here." I say with a grimace, handing over the diamonds.

"Good, now come." He turns around. I stealthily
pick his pocket, my diamonds were needed
to complete the conjuring ceremony before
the moon set.

Thank you @miniature-tiger for continuing the prompts for #fiftywords.

In this scene we have myself playing as a hooded man with a long flowing red beard with a club on his right hip. The setting is nighttime, and the protagonist is attempting to board a ship on a dock in the UK to get to Ireland to meet up with his fellow druids to give praise on Imbolc. The boatman wants pay, so he asks for gemstones, knowing that I'm well off enough to pay. What he doesn't know is the skill required to become so well off, and he is too relaxed after getting his tithe to even notice a hand in his pockets.


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