5D People's Town Hall - R.I.P.A.C. BLOG

Synchronizations in your reality? You may be shifting into another dimension of existence! What does this mean? This podcast is here to tell you, you are NOT alone. We are Awakened to this higher dimension and now wish to seek out others who also experience synchronizations to begin building the world we wish to create. Our intention with this podcast is to unify into ONE collective SELF through each other to create a Heaven On Earth!

Our mission is to found a united federation of people and organizations to create what will be an idea called a higher dimensional society free from artificial borders of countries. Our actions will be decided collectively through councils operated through consensus decision making with thorough methods of direct democracy. Unanimous consensus is required to proceed with actions.

Unanimous consensus will be held unless the numbers of our town hall forum reach levels where majority consensus becomes necessary to effectively decide actions. Each member will be represented with one equal vote. Voting is to decide ANYTHING for the townhall.

Voting to create a sub committee, create a new organization, to decide a group logo, appointment positions for the organizations, to have a picnic, to see Santa Clause together at the mall, etc ANYTHING within civil geographical national and federal laws of respected areas of our activities.

A member is able to decide to delegate their vote to a proxy representative member of their choosing through a liquid democracy system. Organizations that wish to join can delegate a proxy representative to voice their group's collective choice also.

Townhall facilitation methods to consider: Occupy Wall Street, Rainbow Family and Co-operative business processes, Liquid Democracy ~ R.I.P.A.C’s Liquid Feedback interface

Principles for organization we aspire to follow:

Rochdale Principles

Mondragon’s Organization Principles

Social Solidarity Economy Principles

I.e. Brazil’s Solidarity Economy - http://www.shareable.net/blog/brazil-blossoms-as-solidarity-economy-beacon

Membership to the 5D Town Hall is free, voluntary, and open to ANYONE who resonates with the similar values of our Principles of Solidarity:

Democratization of the economic relations
Co-operation instead of forced competition
Valuing diversity. Human beings are more important than profits
Valuing local knowledge, constant learning and training
Social justice and emancipation
Protection of the environment
Grounding the spreading of 5D+ culture & lifestyle
Community development
Interest in more information? Send use a message @ 3rd Eye Horizon via Facebook at this list posted here: https://www.facebook.com/3rdEyeHorizon/

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