Final Push to 5thD - Diverent Energies Harmonizing

We have been watching and waiting and feeling into the right moment to bring you this transmission, and now that moment is upon us. We are excited to tell you that the way that you have been processing the energies coming from your sun and Earth has been changing. You have finally become the beings that your planet has been waiting for. Most of you have felt like fish out of water there for so long because you are starseeds and wanderers, but that is changing now that you have all done so much work on yourselves and have cleared your chakras to such an extent that you are downloading and uploading that energy that your sun and Earth are providing with a precision that we have not experienced from you and through you.

This means that you have aligned yourselves with Earth’s intention to ascend to the fifth dimension, and you have demonstrated that you are the perfect beings to have the experience of ascension with your planet. You have been riding the waves of the Earth’s energies so well that everything has clicked into place for you to then receive the upgrades that have been coming in from the sun, and you don’t need a lot of sun exposure to benefit..."
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