Soccer Players are Such Babies! Being a Referee Sucks.

I was watching the England/Croatia World Cup Soccer game today and all I could do was laugh at the player about how much they cry and how animated they get over every single call that happens in the game. These players are comparable to prison criminals who all say they never committed a crime and are innocent.
If you look at all other professional sports, none of this stuff is tolerated at which the level it is during a soccer game. In baseball if you even argue balls/strikes with an umpire for more than about 15 seconds you will be ejected from the game. In the NFL players try to argue with the refs over disputed calls and immediately get 15yd unsportsmanlike penalties assessed against the team which almost always leads to points by the opposition. NBA officials hand out technical fouls and ejections like buttered popcorn at the new movie that just came out. Soccer players get away with way to much on the field when it comes to the refs and it ruins the fan experience.
They routinely chest bump and make contact with the refs and even though they get a yellow or red card it seems to rarely punish the team enough to make it even matter. I saw players from England today literally complain every 3 min about some call like they were getting robbed on the field while leading 1-0 for most of the game. I guess this is why they are soccer players in the first place! They are too slow for track, can’t shoot or dribble, too soft to play real football, no eye hand coordination to hit a 90mph fastball and can’t skate and chew gum at the same time. Soft cry babies! No wonder I have never been a real soccer fan, they cry about everything and when they actually do commit a fowl they act like they didn’t even touch anyone.
I understand this is the first or second most watched sport in the world because they play this game in every corner of the globe but all this cry baby stuff makes fans like me who may have just turned the corner to watch soccer because of the FIFA World Cup to become turned off. At this point I can’t wait until the World Cup is over and these wanna be athletes can go back to sacking groceries while the rest of the world gets ready to watch some real sports! NFL Football is only 3 weeks away.

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