The Heirians...

The Heirians.
It was long ago, I still think back on that day. I was 6 years old when I first met him. He was 7, he was tall, smart, daring and sweet... But there was always something... Something odd. I’ll explain, you see in my small town of Port Eagles, things werent always as they seemed. It all started on a warm midsummer day....

“Put it in the trunk.” My father said, “yes daddy” I smiled and dragged my picnic blanket through the dirt with me. It as so big, and I was so small. My mother had the food packed and I popped into the car with my dog Lyle, I chose his name. Mom got into the front seat and daddy got into the driver seat. We drove and drove till we got to the big park with the small forest, but to me it was a massive forest full of wonder. As the car slowly came to a halt and jumped out and ran as if I would eventually take off in flight. “Honey becareful!” I'd hear my mom yell. I went straight for my wonderland.

The crickets were singing and the frogs croaked... I walked around and started humming my favorite cartoon tune. “Ouch!” I heard another voice in the distance. “Stupid ship!” there was a little boy and he was kicking a tree stump, he was angry and kept kicking the stump. He turned and looked up at me, I blushed and hid behind the tree. “I saw you!” He rolled his eyes as I stay hidden. “You commonel are so weird.” He spat. “W-whats that?” I said sheepishly, “What?” “A com-com...” He openly got annoyed at me and sighed. “A commenal is a creature who is bred to satisfy m—“ he had need cut off by the sound of my fathers voice, “Stephany?” he called out my name. “im here daddy.” I responded, I turned to look at the strange boy again but he had disappeared. “What you doing out here sweety?” I frowned... I was 6 I thought, it was my imagination. I sighed. “Nothing daddy...” I responded, boy was I in for something else....

4 years later.
I was on the side walk, waiting for the bus to arrive for school. My light silver hair -which everyone made fun of and called me grannylocks- blowing in the wind. It was winter and my finger tips went numb and blue. I as freezing, I looked up and suddenly I nearly got the shock of a life time, there across the road stood the boy I hadn’t seen since I was 6. He was about 11 now and on his way somewhere. Should I follow? I thought, I was so desperate to find out......

To be continued IMG_20170520_132723_653[1].JPG

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