The Big Bird

My big bird, I have my reasons for that. But what are the other reasons?"

The first reason is obvious: I just wanted to write a book about it.

"As for the second reason," said I, "it was something that I started doing as a kid, and it continued all the way into my teenage years and into my early twenties. That was when he said: 'Don't say anything and see what happens.'" As he was speaking, the bird started to move, and, as he kept moving, I realised I was seeing that the bird was beginning to die.

"Well," said the bird, "your father's just finished taking care of you. Don't worry about everything else."

"Well," I said, "it seemed like he was making himself look after me; that he knew I was dying. I'm not sure if I can get into heaven on my own. All my friends do. What I can really ask from him. 'If you know that we're dying, you need to take care of us.' He said that with that voice. And after that I thought he knew a lot."

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