Sci-Fi Novel: The Ultimate Debate - Part 1: Childhood Of Great Master Sun Moi


The Ultimate Debate - Presentation

Part 1: Childhood Of Great Master Sun Moi

Great master Sun Moi was born in Osaka as the first child of a teacher mother and father. His parents worked hard on him due to his extraordinary mental abilities and challenging character. That's why he remained the only child of the family. He never liked playing with other kids, and he always opposed his parents' demands to play with them claiming his peers were stupid. He was so angry at his friends that sometimes that he was locked or fainted. From kindergarten, his friends didn't like this cheesy little boy. He studied and learned the whole curriculum of the class easily at the beginning of the year; when he had to deal with them, he never stood back from hitting their friends in the face that they were ignorant, stupid and lazy.

He obsessed with the idea of making a friend who would understand and agree with him at a very early age. Designing robots, airplanes, automobiles using mini Lego pieces was comforting him. He was able to convince psychiatrists that he didn't need treatment at times after the incidents at school or after his nervous breakdown. He claimed that he had a wild nature and wanted to be left free to pursue his interests and curiosity. He was splitting the old-fashioned computers he bought from the mechanic into parts. He reassembled the pieces he had acquired, observing how three or five old computers work as elements of a single system. On the one hand, by writing various programs, he was attacking the portals on hypernet, and he was enjoying that they were never able to trace him. When he was very grieving, he sat in his mother's lap without being embarrassed and only went down when his fears were comforted.

He was often scolded by his father for his actions that did not conform to social norms, but because of his stubborn nature, he did not even be embarrassed. The prizes he won at his school in science competitions prevented him from getting dozens of disciplinary punishments. Even after reaching puberty, he did not talk to any girl except in a forced state.

So, he grew up, when he was a college student, he was a bit focused. After graduation, he started working at Osaka University, for the sake of his brilliant grades and science awards. However, after a few years of experience, he resigned from the university claiming the students were idiots. When he was twenty-eight years old, he started to make his living by offering technological solutions to the companies he had established relations with via hypernet. He still lived in the same house with his parents, mostly eating nuts, fruit and chocolate, sleeping during the day and working at night. In addition to his work to make money, he was preparing a project in great secrecy. When he was busy with this work, he lit the light of the letter “g” on the door of his garage–office, and even his beloved mother did not be allowed to enter the garage-office. Years have passed by, Mrs. Moi was more concerned about her son every year. While he was busy with his work to make money, Sun Moi was open and affectionate to his mother. However, when the light of the “G” project on the door lights up, Mrs. Moi heard that her son, who she was wondering what was doing inside, had been blasphemous. He was sometimes caught in rage attacks he had when he was a child, and that he had broken his garage-office. When Sun Moi reached his mid-thirties, he changed the name of the “G” project to “GX”.


While father Moi died of a rare stomach cancer, Sun Moi and his mother's financial situation was deteriorated. Sun Moi was no longer taking the time to do business with companies, he was completely committed to his project. His asocial nature, advancing age, loss of father and inability to achieve any kind of development in his project have made a terrible impact on his mood, and after an unsuccessful suicide attempt, he had agreed to receive psychiatric assistance. Sun Moi respected his doctor, who gave him all the information about his illness in an analytical clarity. For the first time in his life, he was persuaded to use his medication regularly, relying on a doctor. Thanks to the relief of the drugs, he continued to work hard on the "GX” project.

A few years later, one morning, he woke his mother, hug her and they took a round in the house. Mrs. Moi was surprised at what she was going through, thinking her son was crazy because she had never seen a similar gesture before. After wandering around the house for a while, she realized it was a victory round. It was clear that the “GX” project had reached its target.

After completing the patent process, Sun Moi held a press conference on hypernet and introduced the new super optical-quantum computer he designed. The new design offered three times more processor performance than the same cost products on the market. Sun Moi knew that the supercomputer performance could be increased to a hundred times with the combination of his several new hypotheses, but he found it more convenient to keep the enormous processor power to support the androids he would create. He sold some of his inventions about optical-quantum computers to Intel for a fortune and bought a villa with dozens of different types of bonsai in his garden to live with his mother. He believed that he had laid a solid foundation for creating an android that would be a companion to him. Now he had enough financial resources and theoretical knowledge to develop a processor that is powerful enough to create a level of consciousness comparable to humans.

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