Descriptions on the Spot: 'Share Knowledge'

Merwin Connects With The Captain

The Neuroweb was having some traffic issues. Merwin tried again to reestablish the HOIP comnection. Success!

The Captain, or the best approximation that could be had with the current technology, materialized before his eyes. This neuronal holographic communication stuff kicked ass!

"Oh, hey, looks like we got disconnected. What were you saying?" said the Captain.

"So, what is it, this, what did you say it's called?" Merwin asked the Captain.

"Steemit," replied the Captain.

"Yeah, Steemit. What is it, exactly?"

"It's an exchange of energy, just like all phenomena that manifest to consciousness."

"But where does the energy come from?" asked Merwin.

"We dream it up," replied the Captain.

"We create the energy through conscious effort. And we rely on others to increase and transform the energy through their conscious effort. And..."

"The energy powers the dream. It's like someone pulling themselves up into the air by grabbing the belt loops of their own jeans. If you let go, do you fall? Only if you don't buy into the dream. Only if you can't see how your little dream fits in with the larger dream."

"I see," said Merwin. But he really only had an inkling.

"For our dream to take flight, there has to be consensus. Without others working on the dream behind the scenes, it can't manifest. So the first rule of the dream is that of interdependence. The whole needs the parts and the parts need the whole. You can't have your dream alone. It's always shared, influencing and being influenced by the dreams of others. We share energy, we share knowledge, ideas, questions, our dreams. And above all, we share hope."

"So you're saying I should share with others and not be a dickhead?" Merwin flashed the Captain a cheesy grin.

"Exactly," said the Captain. "Oh look! Boobs!"

"Uh, as you can see, the energy exchange takes on many forms, as do the entities working with you. But it's essential that you realize you don't always have to follow the crowd. Balance is a key ingredient to the energy exchange. Without new dreams asserting themselves into the system, entropy will drive it into a homogenous state of blah, and it will die. Comprende amigo?"

"Got it," said Merwin.

The hologram of the Captain being generated from within Merwin's mind faded out. Merwin directed his will-nodes to disconnect from the system. He had some offline thinking to do.


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