What if the wars of the future all took place in the Metaverse?


It’s the year 2075 and a family is at home getting ready for the games. Before the games start a mini documentary airs highlighting the brutal wars of the past and how they devastated humanity.

“ We now live in a peaceful world 🌎 but it wasn’t always like this, wars in our history have caused millions to suffer and lose their lives. Today we recognize the brave men and woman who fought for their countries and the innocent that died in vein. They will never be forgotten and we the human race will not allow this to happen again. Welcome to world war Infinity. Let the games begin.”

Now, this idea came up when talking to a friend about the current situation with Russia and Ukraine. The truth is the average person doesn’t want any war. But, the average person loves entertainment wether it be sports, movies or games.

The idea my friend came up with was this: why not have all wars be conducted in the metaverse? It would be in the form of a game but the games would require skills and be as close to the real world via virtual reality / Neuralink.

Imagine everyone tuning into the games to see which country wins the “war”. There would be real assets at stake in the form of crypto and nfts but there would also be sportsmanship. Now, this idea might sound far fetched and may never happen but just think about the Olympics today. It wasn’t always as organized and civil as it is now. In fact it was more of a gladiator’s sport at one point.

And what do we do with the nuclear weapons and missiles? Turn them into a new version of fireworks. Imagine going into a desert and being able to see the impact a bomb like that really has without the casualties. Now, these wouldn’t even have to be real, but another metaverse attraction.

In a nutshell, turn the act of war into a primitive way of living that is now a game in the metaverse that anyone can join. It being a game watched liked the Olympics will make us remember what war is and why we don’t want it in the real world. One could join the team they feel is right in any conflict taking place in the real world but only execute the violence in the game. And if it’s not about real world conflict a friendly match of warfare.

These war games could take place in space, at sea or on land and could have the most sophisticated weaponry the world has never seen all in the name of sports and entertainment… but not in the real world.

This is a crazy idea 💡 I know, but no one knows what tomorrow may bring and we really don’t need war in this world.


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