#Fiftywords: Big Fat SPACE (Tiny Story)

She cried and he smiled "We love you, for who you are."

It's rare that I spend time (a lot of it) to draw a cover for a story this short.

So I missed the last #fiftywords because of laziness, but I promised to miss this one. This time the prompt 'Space' and it made me think of many things, from nothingness to outer space. But you probably already guess this story isn't about that..

~ This story is 50 words, not counting the title ~


"You think no one likes you?" ENTER frowned. "Why?"

"I'm different." SPACE cried. "I'm fat, plain and my hat mark is empty."

"You're big because you're the most useful, father wanted you to stand out, even your hat is unique."
ENTER wiped her tears away.
"And, we all love you."


Wish to hear all your thoughts

Hope you enjoyed reading this!! I really like the idea, and wish I could write it better. If this was 100 words challenge I'm sure the result would have been more awesome!!

I was forced to delete many good parts for the word-limit (Though I wouldn't have came-up with them if I didn't have the word limit in the first place.)

Not sure if calling the symbols on the buttons as hats was a good idea, but I wanted the story to make sense even if you imagine the characters with human-like appearances.

I think I might turn this to a full fledged story in the future, so much potential~

Cover image is drawn by me.
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