Two For Two: Sweet Food Fight Friday

Hi Friends! I’m bringing the Fruits and Veggies heat today, let me tell ya. Wait a minute… it isn’t a Fruits and Veggies Monday… 🤔… it’s a @foodfightfriday. My veggie smack down still counts though. I mean c’mon, who doesn’t love some good ole natures candy?

Honestly, Dandays looked up at me this morning and said “what are you going to do for food fight”? I looked back at him in utter disgust for I had forgot it was even Friday. I quickly skimmed through my memory settling on a moment last weekend where I said aloud as we walked to get pizza “babe, we should start taking pictures of every single thing we eat from here on out. The days are going to get busy and we are going to want to make sure we have a few pics for food fight.” He hastily agreed and then we sat down to dinner. As our pizza came so did the drool almost escaping my mouth and taking a picture was the furthest thing from my mind… mission: BIG FAT FAIL!

Following this mornings reminder we decided to grab a falafel wrap after the gym and yoga. I planned to take a picture of the bad boy and share that with y’all… and mission: BIG FAT FAIL! Dang it… I really need to get me life together. I even had my phone on the table in preparation for the perfect picture. Nope! My big fat mouth beat my picture taking hand to the punch.

So now I’m 2 for 2… hmmm 🤔… what am I going to do for Food Fight (insert snap right here). I know, since we were just enlightened to the fact that the Ironman competition happening next to our house Sunday would inhibit a taxi from getting us to the airport on time, we decided we better head out of town towards the direction of the airport tomorrow. This means I needed to cook through the remainder of our kitchen tonight. Let’s see what I came up with…


That’s not the right photo but let’s take a small moment to appreciate this beautiful beach weather. I have a feeling it’ll be a little minute until we are back at the beach again.

Okay, okay, enough diddling around, this is the real pic…


I had 2 and a half sweet potatoes left, a small head of broccoli, a carrot, 2 red onions, 1/2 a red chili dulce, and a small zucchini. I decided to make a massive veggie bake with sweet potato rounds 😋. Not @Dandays favorite but he ate it with a big smile. I, on the other hand, have been slightly obsessed with sweet potatoes lately so to me this was heaven. But that’s not all folks, I had an ace up my sleeve…


While the veggies cooked I prepared a vegan caprese. Okay, okay, it’s a salad made with tomato, thinly sliced cucumbers, red onion, and mine had avocado, so not a caprese at all but it was close 😉…


A sprinkle of Himalayan pink salt, a pinch of ground pepper and a splash of balsamic ka-pray-say-d this salad right on up. (Yep, I just phonetically spelled out capresed. Have you said it out loud yet? Go on, give it a try).

Shoot… now the veggies are about ready. While we were going over my made up words and practicing the pronunciation aloud I went ahead and dusted the roasting vegetables with some freshly minced garlic. Yum 😋…


Check that out… a perfect pan of peppered perfection. Give me a minute to plate everything…


And voila, waaaahhh-laaaaaaa, bingo, boom, abra cadabra, you want a close up? No sweat…


Looking sweet, right?!? If you’re reading this then you are invited any time. Unless it’s pumpkin pie night or something. I don’t share pumpkin pie, just sayin 🤷🏼‍♀️

Thanks for hanging out and happy Food Fight Friday to all of the usual suspects, and to all of the new suspects. You all rock!

Pura vida ✌️


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