Abortion and medical experiments on puppies.


Someday, people will look back on our madness, and see an ad for John Fetterman (D-PA), in which his opponent is criticized, back to back, for "saying that abortion is murder" and for "performing cruel experiments on dogs."

I love dogs. Always have. The first birthday present I ever asked for was a dog: a collie we got from the pound, which I named Duke. That was for my 7th birthday. I glance a few feet away and see, behind an old reed organ, one of the hoops that Jasper the Wonder Dog used to jump through, as one of his 80 tricks. I wept like a baby when I took his body home from the vet last year.

Abortion? A shrug. But using a dog for a medical experiment? I mean, I have no idea what was involved, and I don't like the thought of it. But If B is bad, and I'll be happy to agree with you if you believe that it is, then A is far worse.

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