Ferguson: The Unpopular Opinion | Answers With Joe

As people, we tend to think in absolutes; black and white. But reality is bigger than that. Often, many seemingly conflicting things can be true at the same time.

The riots in Ferguson follow the same pattern as many other community uprisings - an injustice occurs in a place already boiling over with tension and often the subject of the injustice becomes a hero in many people's eyes. But often the hero is no such thing, it simply fits the narrative needed to push a movement over the edge.

This video doesn't touch on the failure of the grand jury to indict Darren Wilson, though it is a central focus of the ire in Ferguson - yet another cop who got away with it. Instead, this video focuses on how an unsavory character can become a martyr, and how the truth can be obscured in service of our mindsets.

Read the Washington Post article referenced in the video, it contains links to testimonies, autopsies, and depositions that inform what happened on August 9th in Ferguson.

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