Introduction to Feng Shui

Hey all<3
Let's try something different today. So I did mentioned on my first post that I am now learning about Feng Shui. I sure do hope some of you here share the same interest in Feng Shui too. Keep in mind, this will be a simple introduction to Feng Shui.
So what exactly is Feng Shui?
Feng Shui is the ancient Chinese art. If we translate it literally; it means wind (feng 风) and water水). Basically, Feng Shui is all about finding the "QI"(Energy) balance.

How do we do this?
Its really simple! A-R-R-A-N-G-E !!! Yes, you read it correctly. We are just supposed to arrange our furnitures and make uses of spaces to achieve the perfect harmony and balance. Of cos, there are ways to enhanced the "QI" or as you guys are more familiar with the term "energy".

How do we enhanced it?
Simple really. Plants, Water, Stones, Money and other stuff. You don't need crystal balls really! I know there are people who uses it but I don't see how it helps or may be because my Master doesn't uses one?

Is Feng Shui related to any religion?
I personally do not see the connection of Feng Shui to any religion as it doesn't require any prayers or ritual. All we do is arranging funitures and enhances the energy with the right required objects and it's done!

Till next post <3

With love,

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