In Response To: Challenging Feminism. What's your opinion? by @raymondspeaks

When I saw raymondspeaks' article regarding Feminism, I had to respond because this has been on my mind.  I recently have be exposed to someone who speaks about gender issues a lot.  I find myself thinking... "Hmmm".  Mostly because I just don't understand her perspective.

Link to the original article:

My Response:

Life is more complex than language and things really aren't that simple, especially on issues of equality.

My experience as a woman has been that there are people who "lift-up" others and there are people who hold others down. They may or may not consider gender in their actions.

What I am sure of is equality can't be earned by legislating it. I am also highly annoyed by people who think they are going to achieve it by screaming about it.

When you work with, bond with and go through challenges with people of different types, it tends to break the stereo types down a bit.  I think work, military and other positions where you have to work together help to eliminate the "ideas" we have about others.

I don't know about Feminism, I tend to get annoyed with what I see, but I can't say I understand where the movement is at now, I don't know about hard or easy. What I do think is making us enemies doesn't make us work together successfully and the way feminism is being covered is divisive.

I sure am glad my girls were grown and knew better before this new wave of discussing oppression was reborn. I would be pissed if someone was telling my daughter she didn't have every opportunity to achieve what everyone else can.
As long as I have the right to earn, vote and own, equality (what does that even mean?) is available to me, only I can achieve it. 

Thank you for the thought provoking topic @raymondspeaks!

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