Are women nasty to each other?

So, in a conversation with the spousal unit @Trevor.George, once again the topic of 'nasty women' came up.

I still have PTSD about Trump's remark to Hilary and this old chestnut came up.

OK, Trump was just calling Hillary a 'nasty woman" but Trevor's bent was on how women are nasty to each other

The prisons are filled with men that usually kill or hurt other men. In domestic violence, the overwhelming majority of perpetrators are male and the victim is generally female. When a man is killed in a domestic situation, it's usually by another man (generally the ex).

Then we have a slew of evidence about how women are treated by men- no need to go over it.

But- there's this unrelenting focus on how women treat other women... WHY?

Yes, mean girls exist and their behaviour can be VERY harmful, and I suspect much of it is because of the STUPID myth that 'We’re all competing against each other’

But I am pretty damn certain that when faced with the choices of hurt feelings or an early grave, I would choose hurt feelings every time.

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