Time to Teach our Sons about Women Respect!!!!

If the cards are so heavily stacked against young women, how are they supposed to achieve their potential and become leaders. We can't turn a blind eye to how the media impacts our culture
and harms both our daughters and our sons.
We have to help our boys when they're really young. Five or six, when they're just entering formal schooling. Help them not to bifurcate their head from their heart. Not to become emotionally illiterate and tell them that they can't show emotion, that their sissies if they cry
that they can't be expressing love
If a man is taught that he's supposed to be smarter than women ,he's supposed to make more money than women he's supposed to have more respect than women, yet it's not true in real life.
In real life his boss might be a woman, his doctor might be a woman. The woman might be making more money than him. The girl next to him in class is smarter than him, etc.
If guys don't show this masculine side, then they're criticized for it
and they're kind of looked upon as less of a man
Now, how do we expect our sons to be men of integrity and of conscience and to be social justice advocates and just treat women with respect and to speak up when they see women being treated with disrespect. If they don't see their fathers doing it, if they don't see men in the public culture doing it it's not fair to put the burdens on the shoulders of boys or even young men
Even though, they're part of the solution, there's no question about adult men
I definitely am not one to conform to the we need to be hyper masculine and we need to be misogynistic stereotypes.. It really puts a lot of pressure on men when they have relatives who have grown up with this phenomenon, who attempt to put themselves on that path
but they not ready for it.
we really need to put the spotlight and talk about how emotionally
constipated men should be taught how to express ourselves in healthy ways and talk about a spiritual healing that is needed for guys

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