Man Up, Man

What is it about women that scares you so much?

Why do you desire so much to be the head of someone that already has a head?

You even want to decapitate her so that you can be head.

What's wrong if you're your own head and leave another person's head alone ehn? Is it your head?

Why do have so much opinion on what it means to own a vagina, when you don’t have one? Or do you?

Why do you cause pain to someone you claim to love and say you’re grooming her? (or whatever bullshit you say; oh wait! I remember one: “It’s our culture“)

You’re afraid of what you cannot control or tame. Man up brother and hear my truth.
Why would I spend 6 years in primary school, 6 in secondary and 4 in a tertiary institution, alongside boys and go through all the stress, pain, vigorous training that they go through as well and you tell me my place is in a man's house, while he goes ahead to achieve his dreams?

Why measure my value in relation to my ability of making a man love me and keeping up with his bullshit even though he's constantly hurting me?

Who told you it’s in my nature to be subdued?

You have all these fucking theories in your head about what makes me a woman and you can’t even find the cure to cancer.

Can you see that you are psychopath and an endangerment to the world?

And because you have all these stupid thoughts in your head, your brain should just electrocute you and you fall down and die.
You’re always quick to shout “I AM A MAN!” and whatever stupid thing you say after that, but when you fuck up, you say “don’t you know men are like babies”. You even have identity crisis. Psycho!

Why do you take care of yourself when you're single but when you are dating or married, you become an imbecile and disable? You even need someone to flush the toilet for you.

You say a woman has to take care of her man, like his mother. Have I finished taking care of myself or even mothering my myself? Because my mother didn’t train me well bah?

Shey it’s only you that your mother pampered ehn?

Treat others the way you wish to be treated.

By the way, why are you toasting (asking me out) me and asking me if I know how to cook? Are you starving? Go and learn how to cook. You know we don’t use vagina to stir the soup. Don’t be scared dear, it called a spoon. Fucking spoon. And it won’t bite because you have a penis.

You are first human before a woman and that doesn't make you less human. And if they can’t respect that, what are you doing with them?
Know your value.

“Accept their flaws”; how many times do men accept women's flaws? How many times do they watch war room, fast and pray so that you won’t stop loving them? Because you're always there and no matter what they do, you’ll always accept them back.

They know that they are doing you a favour by being with you.
How can a woman say, “I don’t believe women should be money conscious; they should rather be working to please their man"? How did you get to hate yourself so much?

I don’t really care about your low self-esteem or your lack of self-worth; I’m rather bothered that one day my younger sister and daughters would listen to you and believe you telling them that they are worthless; that they should always sacrifice themselves for the pleasure of others; that although God made them higher than animals by making them rational beings, they should throw it to the wind because who logical thinking epp?

You are a failure!!!! You are blind to see how destructive your opinions are.

That platform you’re using to tell women to belittle themselves, not to be ambitious, to be weak and not have a voice, how about you use it to tell them that they are strong, beautiful, worthy, smart, intelligent and can be independent. Tell them what God says about them (since you’re always quick to use biblical references) that if a wicked man cannot give stone to his child that asked for bread, what more of our father in heaven. And if they want a good man, at the right time, that they don’t have to settle for, they can ask of him.
Slavery was abolished years ago, what’s your excuse?

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