Being a feminist and what that means to me

In the UK, the word feminist has a negative connotation… almost as though we have to be bra-less Amazonian men hating warriors, to be a true feminist.
Well I am here to tell you that I am a feminist and I am not any of the above!


I am a stay at home mum and wife who loves nothing more than to be a homemaker and keep the home running smoothly. Surely this makes me the opposite of a feminist right? After all those years of fighting for equality, you stay at home and serve your family, yet you still call yourself a feminist?

Well, yes! Because to me, being a feminist means that we are all equally respected and encouraged to be the best people we can be, no matter what our sex. If I was a sledge hammer wielding builder, then I would want to be able to pursue my career in that industry, without having the stigma of being a woman. I love looking after my family, so I believe I have the right to do that if I choose to do so, without being challenged on whether I should be doing this.


Feminism is about rights. The right to choose. The right to be who we are. The right to speak out. The right to be equal. It Is also about support. We should all support each other to do well in life, no matter whether it is parenting or another role within society.

Feminism is not about man hating. I love my husband and support him using the same feminist values. I want him to become the best person he can be and treat him with the respect I expect from him in return.

So when you next hear the word feminist, don’t jump to the conclusion that the person (yes I said person, not woman as men can be feminists too) as a man hating, power hungry medusa!


If you want to know more about feminism, head to the discord group Team Girl Powa. There are some really awesome feminists there who work hard to make sure feminism is spoken about more openly.


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@beautifulbullies xx

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