Who says "felicity" anymore

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Funny thing, 'Felicity' was definitely one of the girl names in Enid Blyton's English boarding school books {Britain 1960's.. before that author fell out of favour for built-in British Empire racism sexism ageism everything-ism}. But where the heck else does anyone use felicity in our world these days?
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intense happiness.
"domestic felicity"
synonyms: happiness, joy, joyfulness, joyousness, bliss, delight, cheerfulness;

the ability to find appropriate expression for one's thoughts.
"speech that pleased by its accuracy, felicity, and fluency"
synonyms: eloquence, aptness, appropriateness, suitability, suitableness, applicability, fitness, relevance, pertinence

Brother Lawrence, writing in the 1600's: "Such is the inexpressible felicity I have experienced.." Just seeing it there on the page stopped me in my tracks. How come such a beauty word has 'died out', or at least appears to lie dormant in this early twentieth century dominant culture?
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"inexpressible felicity"

(I'll have some of that!)

I guess our modern day equivalency might be "high as a kite" or "blown away"... or...or...?

But felicity is very particular, so I am earnestly pondering, as in; is this another red flag on the actually chronically unattainable "Pursuit of Happiness" / CHASE Freedom thang...


felicity embodiment {Holly May}

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