Did You Too Feel The Same, Mom And Dad?

Dear Mom and Dad,

As the time comes to choose a good school for my kid, I find myself more concerned with his safety than education. I find myself worrying about paedophiles hiding behind the images of the people in the school. I worry about young ones going completely crazy and turning aggressive, thereby harming many kids. I worry about probable violence in the school.

Did you too feel the same, Mom and Dad? Did you live in a better time, or were the people better in your day?

A vacation is no longer something just to be anticipated or looked forward to. If it is a train journey, there is a slight fear of derailment and crash. If it is a plane, there is even more fear of attacks or crashes.

Did you too feel the same, Mom and Dad? Were the journeys safer in your time, or was it a better time?

A simple matter of joining some hobby class turns into something complex as I worry about leaving my child with strangers. My child already wants to travel to school in the school bus. But I hesitate to hand him over to strangers. The various cases that I hear of crimes against children make me question my decision to give it to my child's whims.

Did you too feel the same, Mom and Dad? Were the people more trust-worthy in your time, or the world a better place to live?

Along with the constant worry of my child becoming a victim to some crime, there is also the fear of my child taking some wrong path in his life, either by his own bad judgement, or under unsuitable company of friends and peers. He just turned five, and I already am having nightmares of rave parties and rash driving, or driving under influence. What if, at the end of the day, I turn out to be a major parenting failure??

Mom and Dad, Did you have child psychologists and psychiatrists in your day? Was it your constant and good counselling, or were the children good in your days, or was it just a good time in the history of mankind???

On one side, I want my child to grow up slowly so that I can enjoy and savour his precious childhood. On the other hand, I just want to fast-forward the process, so that I can see him as a safe and sound adult about whom I won't have to worry anymore!

Did you too feel the same, Mom and Dad? Was the journey of parent-hood more enjoyable than worrisome for you, or did you just live in a better time for the human race?img-20180522-5b03b85cc5fec.jpg

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